Oscar Piastri - 14

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No school monday means more updates hopefully ahahaha... This was requested by LilyHeseltine123  I hope you love it <3

I'm not jealous, it's just... you're mine!...

I love hanging out in the Formula 2 and 3 paddock since one of my closest friends is a driver in Formula 3 and my boyfriend is one on Formula 2. There's so many fun things to do while they're racing aside from obviously watching them race.

I was talking to my best friend Frederik when I noticed my boyfriend Oscar was looking at us. He wasn't coming around because I knew he had stuff to do and I didn't want to disturb him.

I wasn't thinking much of it since I was mostly concentrated on the really important debate I was having with Frederik on what ice cream flavor was the best.

He was saying that chocolate was the best but I said vanilla, it was a very serious topic to discuss and laugh a little about.

I walked out of the Art Grand Prix garage and was on my way to the Prema Racing one after I had finished my conversation with Fred. Once I got there I immediately felt a familiar pair of lips crashing down on mine, and it was obviously my boyfriend kissing me.

I pulled away after like 30 seconds a little bit confused on why he had done that since we normally wouldn't be the type of couple to display public affection just like that.

"What was that about?" I asked genuinely wondering why he would pull me in for a kiss just like that.

"It was just because... I wanted to kiss my girlfriend, now I can't do that anymore?" Oscar asked getting a little defensive which wasn't how he would typically act but I just brushed it off knowing that if I dig further into it we might end up fighting.

I spent the next few hours minding my own business and walking around the track, I finally decided to walk back to the Art Grand Prix garage and spend some time with Fred since I hadn't seen him since this morning.

We were play fighting when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer. It was Oscar once again showing public affection and don't get me wrong I love when he's like this but it's just not normal to have him showing all of that publicly.

He kissed my neck lightly and then it hit me: The last time he had done something like this it was because I was also hanging out with Frederik, Oscar was totally jealous of my best friend! I really didn't understand it since I knew Fred's intentions weren't to steal me from my boyfriend but it was funny to see Oscar thought so.

"Oscar can we talk for a second in private? please..." I asked politely. I had no idea where this conversation was headed but I was pretty sure it won't be a nice one.

He nodded and I pulled him aside. "Are you jealous of Vesti?" I asked going straight to the point.

"I'm not jealous" He firmly stated.

"Then why do you keep on kissing me all the time when I'm around him?" I asked once again.

"Because you're my girlfriend? Do I have to ask for permission to kiss you now?" He asked back.

"You know that's not it, but you only do it around Fred." I said.

"So you even got a nickname for him now?" He asked me, I knew that he was indeed jealous but he wasn't going to admit that to me.

"Ive always called him that!" I protested defending my friendship. "You're just jealous that I spend time with one of my best friends." I commented.

"I'm not jealous! It's just... you're mine, and he should keep his distance with you." Oscar spat. He was mad about this which to me was ridiculous because Fred was just a friend and nothing more than that.

"Please, you're just so jealous! I'm YOUR girlfriend for fucks sake Oscar! He's just a friend of mine that I appreciate a lot, he has never even try to make a move on me and you're overreacting." I explained.

"I know but, you're always with him, what if he wants to take you away from me and just acts like your friend for that reason?" He asked feeling self conscious that I might change him for one of my best friends.

"That won't happen! If it was the case he would've done that years ago babe." I told him reassuring that I was going to be with him and only him.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't be acting like that because I trust you." He said.

"Thank you." I agreed.

We went back to were Frederik was and talked for a while later, I was happy that all this had been cleared out.

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