Oscar Piastri - Love Triangle

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Heyyy everyone!! I hope y'all have a great day/night :) This was requested by LilyHeseltine123   Hope you like it <3

Being in a healthy relationship is one of the most important things ever, and also something that no many get to live. I'm in a relationship with the future Formula 2 driver Oscar Piastri, and we are really happy together.

I never thought that it would be so nice to be with a driver, but honestly what did I really expect when he is absolutely amazing. I support him on everything he does and have even met his teammate Frederik Vestí. He's a very nice guy and I absolutely love to have him around since he often makes me laugh.

I was hanging out at the garage waiting for everything to be ready and also just waiting for Oscar to finish doing some stuff his team had asked him to do.

I saw Frederik had walked into the garage and decided to go say hi. "Hey Vesti, how's everything going? Ready for the race?" I asked him

"Well hi gorgeous, I'm great thanks, and very ready for the race. I bet it will go totally better if I have you cheering on for me." He said and smiled softly at me.

"You know I'm really here to cheer on Oscar but I'll be rooting for you, you also deserve to do great on the race." I said politely. I obviously would never wish someone to do bad on something they like doing.

We continued talking for a few minutes, and a conversation that left me at thought came up. Frederik and I had been talking about Oscar and how our relationship had been going, but he didn't seem to excited for our relationship or happy about it at all. I knew they were friends and didn't really understand why would Frederik not be happy for us.

I kind of dropped the topic when Oscar came over to us and the boys started talking about the race. I went to my boyfriend's drivers room and waited for Oscar to come over.

When he came back he seemed to be in a horrible mood and with every word I said, he seemed to get even more mad. I was really confused on why he was acting this way since moments ago everything seemed perfectly fine. I really didn't know how to react but decided to stay calm to see where this was going.

Suddenly Oscar went off at me "Don't you see you're doing everything wrong? Why are you even here? I can't concentrate if you're here, because of you my last practice went horrible." He said, blaming his bad driving on me... which would often happen when I was around on Grand Prix weekends.

He would immediately apologize after the race, but this time his words stung more than normally. A tear rolled down my face and that was the moment I decided to leave the room. More tears started to fall and I couldn't stop them for coming, I had no idea if my reaction was the best for this specific moment but I was really sad and frustrated.

I saw Frederik and walked over to him with puffy eyes and tear stains all over my face. His expression softened once he noticed I had been crying... I didn't know why but he even seemed concerned. "Darling, Is everything okay?" He asked me in the softest tone possible.

I couldn't stop the tears from coming out as I explained myself "It's just Oscar said some things that hurt me a few moments ago... this time they stung even more than they normally would. I hate this feeling because I love him.

His expression showed frustration and even anger as I finished my sentence but was quickly back into his soft expression. "What do you mean by 'this time they stung even more than they normally would' has he been treating you badly before?" He asked me as he wrapped his arms around me.

I just nodded in response and his fists clenched a little. He took a deep breath I was guessing that was to calm down. "You know you shouldn't be treated this way, do you?" He half asked. I knew that the way Oscar had treated me wasn't the best one but he still apologized every time. And not to mention that I love him with all my heart.

"I know, but I love him with all my heart." He sighed and then proceeded to apologize but he had to leave for practice again. His embrace made me feel a little better but I still didn't like the feeling of that not being Oscar.

After the last practice had finished, Oscar came over to me and apologized for everything that he had said and done. I obviously accepted his apology because I love him a lot and didn't want our relationship to end. He had excused his behavior on his stress over the race getting the best of him. I knew that he would often get stressed and well sometimes he let it all out on me.

From the corner of my eye I could see Frederik through the distance. His eyes were fixated on us and our tight embrace.

He walked over to us and asked to speak with me in a more secluded area and without Oscar around. My boyfriend seemed a bit skeptical but allowed me to go with Frederik anyways.

Once we reached his drivers room he immediately spoke up. "Did you really forgive him that easily?" Vesti asked.

"I obviously did, he is my boyfriend and I love him so much. Why shouldn't I accept his apology?" I said truthfully.

"Don't you see how much he's been hurting you? I don't want to see you suffer over again for the same reason the next weekend. It's hard to be your friend when all you do is run back to him... you deserve so much better than that y/n." He said. His words really left me amazed, I didn't expect him to say such thing.

It did make my heart melt a little seeing that someone actually cares about me and how I would often feel. "Why do you say all this though? You know I'm with Oscar, don't you?" I asked him.

"I clearly do know that you and Oscar are together which is what hurts the most. I hate to see you with him and hurting because I love you... and every time I fix you you go back to him over and over. You never learn that you deserve something better than that" His words really opened my eyes and I noticed that Oscar really didn't care about me but I cared about him so much that I allowed him to run me over.

Let alone... Frederik Vesti admitted that he loves me which is so amazing. But now I had a decision to make... whether I'd stay with Oscar or be with Frederik... and this is a very complicated love triangle.

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