Logan Sargeant - 119, 197

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Hi everyone! Please remember to vote, comment, and keep requesting :) This was a request by 1MichaelaT1 hope you enjoy it :)

Warning: Mention of a crash, and severe injuries. Don't read if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content. 

Driving is the reason why you're in the hospital... maybe stopping could be a choice... That crash could've killed you...

It seemed like today was going to be as normal as all of the others when it came to my job as a physiotherapist. All I could think about was trying to help the patients that came in. 

Once I thought that my day would be less chaotic something terrible happened. An ambulance had come into the hospital with a Formula 3 driver that seemed to have been in an accident on the track. The only thought that went through my head worried me a lot, my boyfriend Logan Sargeant is a Formula 3 driver that was supposed to be racing at that moment at the Silverstone circuit. I was really hoping that it wasn't him that had been involved in the accident and was now in need of medical attention. 

The medical team had brought in the patient and one of my worst nightmares had become my reality right at that moment. Logan was laying on the stretcher, he was unconscious and bleeding out in some parts of his body. 

As a professional, I knew that he was going to be okay since the major seemed to be some fractures in his body, however, that couldn't be defined until after he had gone through the necessary tests. Nevertheless, even when I knew how things would most likely go, I couldn't stop myself from worrying because as his girlfriend I still hated the idea of seeing Logan laying in the stretcher after what I thought had been one of the worst crashes in his career. 

The emergency team got him checked up, and the only injures that he had on his body were: 2 fractured ribs, a fracture on his right wrist and some  bruises and cuts from the injury. What they had also mentioned was that he was in an induced coma since they had no idea if here had been any damage on the brian so, they had made him go unconscious to prevent any further injuries. 

Relief filled my body because at least I now knew that the possibilities of Logan surviving were high and that him being unconscious hadn't been caused because of the crash. 

My boyfriend and now patient for further therapy had finally woken up and didn't seem to know how he had ended at the hospital. He looked at me and smiled, but shortly after winced in pain because of the fractured ribs on his upper body that didn't allow him to move much. 

"Hey Logs, please stop moving so much I don't want you to hurt yourself more than you already did." I stated. 

"Don't worry babe, I'm fine, I only crashed but I'll be all good for the next race. I need to keep winning races so I ensure I will be champion of Formula 3." Logan mentioned confidently. I knew he was going to be eager to get back on the track, however, with how severe the effect of the accident had been in his body I wasn't totally sure he would be able to make it to the next race. He would have to rest a lot more than that to be able to get back on track fully recovered. 

"Logan, I don't think you'll be able to race in two weeks again. You can barely move and as a professional I don't believe you'll be fully recovered for the race." I said, hoping that he wouldn't freak out about what I had just said. 

"What do you mean I won't be able to drive, you know I can't miss a race! My team depends on me and if I don't keep winning I might lose sponsors for next season. You know I need to drive and I will do it." Logan said extremely frustrated. 

I understood were his attitude was coming from but also, he should worry about his own well being and not only about winning the races. "Driving is the reason why you're in the hospital Logan, maybe stopping for at least one race could be a choice. I'm telling you this as a professional in medicine who knows what's best for you." I stated firmly. 

"Then stop thinking as my doctor and start thinking as my girlfriend for once, you know driving that Formula 3 car is everything to me. Please don't stop me from doing what I love. I'll be fine." He said. I did believe he would be able to drive that soon. Once again he was wincing in pain while we were still talking, and even like that he had the audacity to tell me to let him drive. 

I sighed. "If that's what you want, I'm now speaking as nothing more than your girlfriend, the woman who loves you more than anyone else. Don't be ridiculous about this Logan, that crash could've killed you! So stop being so fucking stubborn and rest for as long as you need. You shouldn't have to worry about anything else when something so serious happened that when I saw you I almost broke down into tears thinking you wouldn't make it." I expressed in the verge of tears. 

Logan's facial expression finally softened. "Did you really feel that way when I got rushed into here?" He asked, his voice cracked a little but he tried to keep himself together. 

"I obviously did, as your girlfriend I worry about you. I really would never want anything bad to happen to you." I told him. 

"I really didn't mean to make you feel that way, my intention was never really to crash and end up in the hospital. All I wanted to do was win the race to have full dominance over the championship." Logan said with an apologetic look. 

"Well what happened, is in the past now. All you and I have to focus on now is resting and healing your bones and muscles so you can be back on the track as soon as possible. But Logan, please this time really rest." I said. 

"I promise I will." He said, I knew it wouldn't be as simple as that but at least he was willing to go through this without thinking he would make it to the race that was taking place in a week. 

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