Max Verstappen - 172

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I'm sorry for my inactivity this weekend, I've been working on my Instagram editing account but yeah I'll try to be more active again. Remember that requests are now closed and Book 2 is coming soon!!! This was requested by cosmicless I hope you like it.

WARNING: NSFW content, don't read if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content.

No panties baby girl?...

Max and I had gone to one of the most important galas of the year for Formula 1 where Max would be awarded as World Driver Champion for 2022. We were sitting at the table with some of the other drivers and their girlfriends or wives.

I was talking to Charlotte, who is Charles's girlfriend when I felt Max's hand move up my knee to my inner thigh. I cleared my throat and kept talking. Max's hand found its way to my sex and he noticed that I wasn't wearing any underwear under the tight red dress that I was wearing on that special night.

Max moved closer to me until his lips were on my ear and he nibbled softly."No panties baby girl?" He asked with a smirk on his face. I blushed softly and tried to close my legs but his hands stopped me from doing so.

I let out an almost inaudible moan that I was pretty sure only Max had heard. "Be quiet darling, also very naughty of you not to be wearing panties to such a special event. You're totally getting it once we get home." Max stated.

I knew what would be coming once we went back to our apartment and I was totally in for that. He kept rubbing my now very wet sex, I tried to keep myself together and not moan at all, however, it wasn't an easy job.

We finally managed to leave after a few hours and I was really looking forward to going home so we could have sex.

Max's hand was laying on my thigh and rubbing up and down slowly and teasingly so I could get even more hot and bothered.

"I can't wait to get home, you look so good in that suit, I absolutely love it." I mentioned.

Max had a smirked plastered on his face, the fact that I hadn't been wearing underwear all night just made it even clearer to him that I wanted him really badly.

Once we got back into the apartment, we started making out in the elevator on our way to the top floor. I started kissing down his neck and found Max's sweet spot which I bit softly. My action resulted in a manly groan coming from the back of his throat.

I could feel his hard on rubbing on my stomach but we couldn't really do much here. The elevator ride seemed eternal but we finally made it to the living room of our shared flat.

I knew Max was going to tease me a lot which I liked but I was also getting restless, I wanted all of him on me. We kept making out until we hit the couch and Max laid me down there.

He quickly took his suit jacket off and also his button up shirt. He took my short dress off in one swift motion and started kissing down my jaw all the way down from my neck to my breasts that were fully uncovered.

He gave my breasts the attention they needed, he nibbled, licked and softly bit on them, which made them get erected.

Once he thought he had given them enough stimulation, Max started to kiss down my boobs to my lower abdomen. He got close to my sex but didn't give it much stimulation, he kissed my thighs and made his way to my sex agonizingly slow, making me almost beg for more.

Once he finally got his tongue on my sex, I let out a sigh of relief. He worked magic with his tongue and also stimulated me with his long fingers. The overstimulation made me cum not too long after.

I was left in the couch panting, as Max undressed himself and then laid on top of me being careful not to crush my body. He kissed me once again and I could taste myself on his mouth, we battled a bit for dominance but he won and I fully submitted to him.

He wasted no more time in the unnecessary teasing that he had already done, he slammed right into me making me almost scream out because of the mixed pain and pleasure.

His thrusts were powerful and all I needed to release again. My walls clenched around his hard cock and he felt even more pressure. I knew he wouldn't last much longer but neither would I.

His thrusts started to get sloppier not long after, and I knew both of our releases were coming. Max stimulated my clit and I was a moaning mess.

I released and a few powerful thrusts later, so did Max. We were laying on the couch panting and trying to calm our heart beats down.

It had been a great night which I couldn't wait to repeat next year after the same gala, but Max as a 2 time world champion.

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