Lance Stroll - 36

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Hola Amigos! Thank y'all for almost 25k reads on this book! This accomplishment is totally mind blowing and humbling, I love y'all <3
This was a request made by LilyHeseltine123 I hope you enjoy it :)

WARNING: Mention of chronic illness and possible death, don't read ahead if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content...

Stay strong... do it for me...

Pain, that's all I could feel it hadn't been an easy few months for me. I had been diagnosed with an unknown illness that was destroying me slowly, with time all I felt was more pain and I was losing the ability to move.

Nothing was getting easier for me, and I was starting to lose hope. I was starting to think that maybe tomorrow would be my last day, I was giving up.

The only person that was making me stay was the love of my life; Lance Stroll... yes the well known Formula 1 driver. He had always been here for me after I had been diagnosed, and he would have to leave to go race but would always come back to cheer me up.

He was returning today from Spain and I wanted to say my last goodbye, I really didn't want to be here anymore and the pain at this point was unbearable. I had been fighting for long but nothing was helping and I knew nothing would be the same even if I recovered which was almost impossible.

He had just arrived into my hospital room and he looked tired, I wanted to get these thoughts off my chest but also wanted to tell him to go rest for a little, I knew he needed to.

"Hey darling." He said greeting me with a soft smile.

"Hey babe." I said weakly.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, I knew he already knew the answer to the question but he hadn't lost the hope that I already had.

"The pain keeps getting worse, I don't think I'll be able to make it much longer." I expressed.

His expression went from a smile to a broken look, I knew that he wanted to help me but he was basically unable to, not even the biggest amount of money would get me better.

He grabbed my hand and rubbed circles on my palm with his thumb. "Are you giving up?" He asked, I heard how his voice broke but I didn't comment on it, it really hurt to see him sad because of me but I also couldn't keep suffering myself.

"I think I am, everything hurts and I'm losing hope on this, I don't think I'll ever recover." I told him.

A single tear rolled down his cheek and in this moment I wanted to read what was going through his mind and make it all better. "Y/n please don't think that way, I've been trying my best to find ways to help you. I need more time, I'll move ocean, mountains and roads to make it all better I just need you to hold on for a little bit longer." He pleaded.

I knew he was trying his hardest but I was sure that nothing would make it better. "I really can't do this anymore, it's too much for me. I know I'll hurt you and I'm so sorry you have to go through this with me but I can't this." I was now crying and I knew Lance was trying to stay strong for me but his eyes looked teary too.

"Please y/n stay strong please do it for me I don't know what I'd do without you, you're the strongest person I know... you'll make it through love just stay with me for a few more days." Lance pleaded once again.

"Just a few more days." I said with a slight smile.

"You're amazing darling, I promise I'll work day and night to make it all better... I will win the championship for you too, I will give it all to you because I love you." Lance promised now also crying with me.

I was sobbing because of how sweet he was, but I had no idea if I could keep my own promise for long enough. "I love you more." I said tiredly.

"Now sleep, I hope tomorrow will be better for you... even if it's just slightly." Lance suggested.

I immediately fell asleep with Lance there and rested my body, maybe my body would give up through the night.

when I tell y'all this imagine made me cry I actually mean it😔

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