George Russell - 130

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How's everyone doing? I hope y'all are alright :) For some reason I have been super inspired to write so thanks for all the support :) This was a request made by yourgirlel  I hope you like it

Did you get any sleep last night...

It was around 2am when I had decided to do random things. My boyfriend George was asleep in our room while I had all the energy of the world after drinking an energy drink.

I wasn't tired at all and had made the decision to stay up as late as possible, I had read books, watched old races until it came to mind that it would be a good idea to do my hair just for the fun of it.

I tried doing each and every hairstyle I could think of. I started off with dutch braids, and then did french braids, I curled my hair, straightened it, and almost burned half of my hand because of trying to do that. Then I started watching many tutorials on youtube on how to do different yet fancy braids on my hair and learned a lot more than I expected myself to do.

As I kept doing myself I had a blast, I danced around and failed miserably on some braids but didn't give up on the hairstyles and tried again.

I pulled an all nighter because I hadn't noticed how late it had actually gotten after I had been watching so many tutorials. As I was on my way to sleep for a long time my boyfriend George came out of our room and looked ready to start his day.

He raised an eyebrow at me questioningly and I just smiled innocently at him. "y/n did you get any sleep last night?" He asked.

I was well aware that he already knew the answer to that question but just wanted to confirm his thought. "Oh I totally didn't." I told him.

"Why though? You literally look dead right now." He mentioned the obvious, I was now tired which was logical since I had been awake all night.

"I had an energy drink and had a lot of energy, by the time I started getting tired it was already around 6am but I wasn't tired enough to fall asleep so I just lost track of time once again and now I'm super tired and need serious rest." I explained to George.

"You really never fail to come up with a new way to make me laugh, your logic makes no sense but I also understand why you did what you did." George said with a light chuckle.

"Well I was bored anyways like who needs sleep when you're even more productive in the middle of the night." I half asked.

"I think people who actually have stuff to do things early in the morning do, if you don't sleep you'll get sick eventually, and I love your energetic self just to lose you because of lack of sleep." He said which made my heart warm.

"I will actually sleep now, I'm well aware my sleep schedule is fucked up with I promise I'm actually sleeping in the middle of the day." I promised.

"Well then head to bed darling, you really need to rest now. I will be back in a few hours." He said as he planted a soft kiss on my lips as a goodbye gesture.

"Goodbye handsome, have a lovely day... I love you so much." I said

"Love you too" He replied as he opened the door and walked out of your flat.

I spent the next few hours regaining all my energy.

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