Oscar Piastri - 70

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Thank y'all for 25k reads, this is unbelievable :) We're also getting so much closer to book 2 and that makes me so happy... This was requested by LilyHeseltine123  I hope you like it <3 Sorry this is short oops

You make me feel safe...

The night can be terribly scary, the fact that you can't see like in the daylight, daily things seem scary, the dark doesn't help and the thunderstorms and wind at night are even worse.

I knew a lot of people thought that being scared of the dark is for really young kids who are really immature. However, to me, the dark is really scary and certainly a space that can hide a lot.

Many judged me for this except for one person who was always there for me. He didn't judge me for anything that I did, he is also my boyfriend and his name is Oscar Piasrtri.

I loved him because of how sweet he was to me and tonight was one of those nights in which he proved that he would always be here for me no matter what.

I woke up breathing heavily and sweat was running down my forehead. I had had a nightmare and now everything was dark. I was starting to feel anxious over the thought of seeing random shapes in the dark.

I saw something move and screamed, and started shaking lightly. The noise woke Oscar up and he looked at me. He wrapped his arms around me and sleepily asked. "Why did you scream? Are you scared, darling?" Oscar asked.

"I- I saw something move on the dark and I had a horrible nightmare." I stuttered but managed to explain.

"Everything is okay, you're okay, and do you want to talk about your nightmare?" Oscar asked me.

I shook my head saying no because I really didn't want to remember such horrible dream. I was still shaking and the darkness didn't help me.

"Do you want me to turn the lights on to see that nothing is there and that you're safe?" Oscar asked once again.

I just nodded still scared, Oscar got out of bed and turned the lights on. All of our stuff was still placed in the same place we had left them on a few hours ago.

I started calming down as I realized that there was nothing I should be worried about. Oscar came back to bed and laid beside me once again.

He wrapped his arms around me and whispered sweet nothings in my ears, he calmed my nerves down and I smiled at him. We shared a couple of kisses and I was fine again.

"Are you good now?" Oscar asked me.

"Yeah it's all good, thank you, you make me feel safe, every time I need you, you're there for me." I told him.

"I'm always going to be here for you, even when you're scared and alone I'll be here to make you feel protected and at home." Oscar promised me.

"I know when I get scared it might be because of ridiculous stuff but I genuinely do feel afraid. Thanks for being here for me always, even in the middle of the night." I thanked.

"That's not a problem for me, as I already mentioned I will always be here when you're happy, sad, scared, nervous, anxious or anything like that. I do it because I love you more than any other person on this world darling." He expressed.

It was really sweet of him, it made me feel happy and even when it was a conversation at 2am I knew that it actually meant something.

"Thank you, I love you more than words can expressed." I replied.

We cuddled for a little bit longer again and then fell asleep with no other worry. I knew that Oscar would wait to fall asleep until I slept so he could turn the lights off and sleep peacefully.

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