Mick Schumacher - 1, 5

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Race day is tomorrow!! After three weeks we have another race dayy yayy!! This was a request made by marsz17 I hope you like it!!

It will always be you...
I wouldn't be able to do it without you...

I didn't want to keep thinking about how my boyfriend had broken up with me, but I really couldn't stop thinking about it. He hadn't even given me a real explanation to try and understand why it was that we were over. It made me think that maybe he didn't love me anymore or that there was someone else in his life and that's why he didn't want to be with me anymore.

I was in the verge of tears for the third time today because of what had happened less than a week ago. I had no clue how I would be able to move on from it all. I loved him more than I loved myself and it went all to waste in seconds. I was totally heart broken and there was no way in which that could be fixed.

I was cut off by the knock on my door, it was the delivery guy. "Hi Ms. y/l/n, someone left these flowers downstairs for you." He said. I grabbed the flowers and thanked him. Who could've brought me flowers? No one had ever done something like that well guys have given them to me but never send them just like that.

There was a small note in between all the pretty flowers, the note said:

Dear y/n:
I know that our break up was unexpected mostly for you, but I didn't have the balls to tell you the whole truth. My parents asked me to come back to Germany and leave for a while, get away from everything in my life including you. I know this will hurt and I'm telling you it even hurts me to have to write this. I'm sending you these flowers so you remember how much I love you. Thank you for your unconditional support my love, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish everything I've got without you. I know my goodbye seems hard but I know you and I know you will manage to get back up and find someone new to love. If I ever go back to Italy I promise I will look for you, I will try to find you. If by the time I do, you're with someone new I will be happy for you because that's what you deserve.

You're an amazing woman who deserves the best and I'm again truthfully sorry because I was unable to be what you deserved. You will forever own a part of my heart.

I promise than even if a thousand years pass it will always be you, you will always be the person I love the most in this world my love.

Forever yours,
Mick Schumacher. 

I was now bawling, the note had indeed been tremendously cute, but it also meant that I would never be with Mick anymore. I would never be able to go to a race weekend with him and enjoy how fun it is to have track walks or celebrate each and every one of his wins.

It broke my heart even more to think that he was unable to tell me all this in my face, to confess all his love right here in my room, he wasn't too much of a man if he had to write a lovely note. I couldn't deny that it was sweet and that the flowers were gorgeous, but I expected this from every guy in this world but him.

I wished him the best anyways and I knew that I wouldn't be able to move on either, but at least I would know that he would have me forever in his heart just like I knew I would do as well.

I wanted to reply and tell him how much I would miss him and how much I loved and hated him at the same time for leaving unannounced and just break up with me like if I meant nothing, but I also knew that there had to be a good reason and that if he had written a letter it was because he didn't expect an answer.

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