Lance Stroll - 179

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IT'S FRIDAY THEN! ITS SATURDAY SUNDAY WHAT!? G'day, guys! Hope y'all have a good race weekend. This was requested by LilyHeseltine123 I hope you like it <3

I married the right man to be the father of my children...

Happiness is all I feel, I am around 3 months pregnant and it made me feel so happy. I got married almost a year ago to Lance Stroll and I was finally Mrs. Stroll.

I was now starting to show and it made me so happy to see that there was a baby growing inside me and that it was a baby that I was having with Lance, who I was totally sure that was the love of my life.

All I could think about was the future with him, how we could eventually have one or two more kids to finish off our family. We could live in a big house in the outskirts of town so we would live more calmly without all the noise of the big city.

It all meant so much to me, it had been a dream of mine since I was young that I eventually wanted to start a family but only if I was sure it was going to be the man I'd marry and we would be together for the rest of our lives.

Lance's voice cut me off my thoughts. "What are you thinking about darling?" He asked.

"I'm just thinking about how lucky I got. I'm starting a family with the man I love and it's amazing to see my growing tummy because there's a baby growing inside of me." I commented.

Lance's arms snaked around my waist and he placed one of his hands on my belly and he caressed it softly. His touch was loving and I knew he was as excited as me to have a baby together.

"That's really sweet, but I know that I wouldn't be able to start a family without you, one of the strongest women I know. I'm the one who got luck to have the most loving wife who is willing to have a family with me and raise kids together even with the obstacles that might come in the way." Lance said.

His comment made me smile and I it meant a lot to me how he appreciated women's work in a family but most importantly that he admired and respected me.

"You have no idea how happy it makes me when I see that you think that way. It's something that I find so cute. It also makes me think that I married the right man to be the father of my children" I mentioned.

Lance's eyes lit up and he smiled. "That's one of the sweetest things you've ever said and I believe it's a comment I will forever cherish and remember." Lance continued. "I promise to you, our unborn child, and any others that might come in the future that I would be the best father and husband ever because that's what you and our kids deserve, a loving father that will always be here to support them even when I'm thousands of miles away racing in Formula 1." Lance promised.

The hormones got to me and I started crying if not bawling. I really wasn't sure how I found the most amazing man in the world but the feeling was indescribable, I loved him more than anything and I believe that I wouldn't be able to love anything or anyone more than how much I love him. I thought.

Lance knelt down in front of me and pulled my sweatshirt up to undercover my quickly growing belly. He placed a kiss on my tummy and talked to our baby, he made promises and said cute things. I knew that the baby would hear even if we didn't get an actual reaction.

The sight in front of me made me smile and feel all tingly inside. I knew with small actions like that, that Lance would never leave us and that he would love our children possibly even more than me. I didn't expect any less from him and I was sure that everything would go just fine.

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