Frederik Vesti - One Night

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Hey everyone!! I would really appreciate it if you'd go check out my new published story "There You Are" A, Max Verstappen Fan Fiction. And also if you would keep requesting here that'd be lovely. After this being heavily requested here's part 2 of Love Triangle.

Warning: NSFW don't read if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content.

"Y/n please, give me one day... one night to prove to you how real love should feel. Please let me show you how to treat you right." Frederik begged. I sighed knowing that it was probably not a great idea. I was well aware that this could end up badly if we got caught.

"Just today okay?" I wanted to see how things could go. Maybe Frederik was the better guy for me? I love Oscar with my whole heart but, Frederik cared about me so much and no one else ever had.

"I promise you won't regret any second." He made a promise that I had no idea if he could keep. Did my heart still belong to Oscar? I had no idea how to feel. However, I was sure that I wanted to do this.

After Frederik was done with meetings and practices, he told me to go get ready because he would be taking me out later tonight. He hadn't specified much about our night out except that he would be the one picking me up at about 8 pm and that after that we would reach our final destination.

As I finished getting ready it was just 7:55pm which meant that I was just in time for our date kind of thing. I started overthinking; was I cheating on Oscar because of this? Was it a date? What did Frederik think? My thoughts were cut off my by apartment door bell ringing.

I opened the door to see Frederik in a nice button down shirt and jeans. He looked extremely hot which didn't help my situation. His jaw dropped the moment he saw me, I was wearing a dress that hugged my curves in all the right places. I can't deny that even I knew I looked good as hell.

"Hey, you look gorgeous" He said as he greeted and also complimented my appearance. His reaction made me blush hard and he had probably noticed.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I said and smiled at him.

We didn't stay too long at my place since I knew that it was probably going to be a lot more fun to see what Frederik had planned for our date type of thing.

We got into his car, and he opened the door for me being the gentleman he is. We got into this really nice italian restaurant that had amazing food. After we chatted for a while and ate our food we decided to head back to his apartment just to relax and probably watch some Netflix.

After we got back to his place, we walked in and I went to the bathroom while he decided what movie we were gonna watch. I fixed my hair a little and made sure my make up wasn't smudged and then went back outside.

He saw I had come out, he just smiled at me and signaled for me to go sit besides me. I did as he told me too and then noticed what movie we were watching. It was one that I hadn't seen yet but knew that it was going to be a scary one. It was a smooth move but I was pretty sure that Frederik wouldn't try to make any moves on me tonight. Well or so I had thought.

I was pretty scared during the movie, and Frederik knew that I hated scary movies so he stopped playing it after a while. He sighed "I'm really sorry I shouldn't have played that movie, I knew you were probably going to get scared but I didn't think it would be too bad." He said apologizing over and over as he wrapped his arms around me.

"It's okay, I should have warned you that I get scared really easily." I said, and then he kissed my nose softly probably to give me reassurance and make me feel a little bit better. I looked down to his lips as his face was inches apart from mine.

I looked up at him to see that he was looking directly into my eyes but his state quickly moved back to my lips and back up once again. He didn't hesitate anymore and kissed me softly. I intensified our kiss as I reacted, and then proceeded to wrap my arms around his neck. His arms snaked down to my waist and then made me straddle him.

We kept making out, the kiss got hotter and hotter by the second. I grinded on him and my hips were moving in circles, I started to feel his cock twitch and then grow erect.

He groaned softly and bit my lower lip seductively. I unbuttoned his shirt and took it off, he lowered the zipper of my dress down and pulled it off. He kissed down my jaw to my neck, and I tilted my head to the side to give him more access to keep my neck. He started leaving love bites all over my neck down to my breasts.

He i clasped my bra, and as he did that I took his pants off. Our clothes was quickly thrown on the floor getting scattered all over it. I was starting to get desperate and now the only thing stopping us from having sex was both of our underwear. "Do you want to do this?" Frederik asked for reassurance that I was fully okay with what was going to happen anytime soon. I just nodded in response and started moving my hips in a circular motion over his erection.

He held me down and then allowed his hands to move down to my underwear taking it off. "God, you're so damn gorgeous" He said, and I just moaned softly in response as I felt his hands moving all over my body. "Such a beautiful girl, ready for me." He said, then proceeded to insert two fingers inside my very wet sex.

I started moaning as his fingers started going on and out of me. I bounced a little onto his fingers trying to get even more friction and feel off it.

"Wait darling, I promise you will get what you want and it will feel so good." He said to my ear in a huskier voice than normal.

The rest of the night was a blur, we had amazing sex it was mind blowing he felt so good. I hadn't expected to feel so loved while having sex.

He was so sweet and reassuring yet rough at the same time. I had my head on his chest and we were laying in his bed tranquilly.

Realization hit me incredibly when I thought about the fact that I had just cheated on my actual boyfriend Oscar. I had no idea how I had just allowed my feelings to take over. I was so scared and god I just hoped that all this wouldn't get more out of hand that it already had

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