Liam Lawson - 206, 209

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Tomorrow race will be super interesting but in the Autódromo it's hard to overtake so I really want to see how will that go. This was a request made by f1Chloe I hope you like it!

WARNING: Mention of a miscarriage, don't read ahead if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content!

I think I lost our child...
Maybe we could start having children?...

"I think I lost our child." Was what I had last told Liam before he rushed me into the hospital and we got the news that we had lost our unborn child because of natural reasons, or so the doctor had told us.

It has been 2 years since that moment happen and I had finally come to terms with the fact that the memory will forever be in my mind, however, I had to move on somehow to be happy again.

I had never thought that I would be able to move on from that tragedy, but after two years, the help of a psychologist and the constant support of Liam, my husband, who had been my rock this whole time trying to stay strong. I had managed to start healing and try to move on with my life.

I had been thinking that maybe the best way to keep going and restart my life was to try to have a baby once again. Not to fill the place of our unborn child but to start fresh and actually start a family with the man I love the most.

I knew it was what I needed, so I got a check up with my OBGYN to see if everything was okay with my body and to see if it was safe to try for a baby once again.

I got good news, the doctor had told me that we could start trying again, but that if we did end up getting pregnant there would be more tests and more doctors visits to see how the pregnancy was going so another miscarriage wouldn't happen.

I went back home and Liam was already waiting for me. "Li, can we talk?" I asked him seriously.

"Sure darling." He affirmed and scooted over so I could sit beside him in the living room couch. "What's up?" He asked.

"I have been thinking for a while now, that maybe the way to fully heal from everything that we've been though could possibly be try to have another baby. I went to the doctor today and she commented that it was safe for us to try again but that the medical team would have to do more tests throughout the pregnancy to make sure the baby is healthy." I explained.

"So what are you suggesting love?" Liam asked, listening closely to what I would say next.

"I think that maybe we could start having children... or well try again." I suggested.

"Is that really what you want? Are you really sure that you're ready to go through that again? There's always a possibility things would go wrong again..." Liam said negatively.

I knew that Liam was right and that things wouldn't always go our way. But I still didn't want to give us a shot again, try to expand our small family even after all. It was something I had always wanted, and even when I was disappointed because it didn't go well the first time it didn't mean that the second time it would be the same repeated story.

"I really believe that it is the best idea, I really want this and maybe another baby would help us be happier. I don't mean that we will forget our angel that is now in heaven but, I really want to have a baby with you." I admitted.

Liam sighed. "I don't want to see you suffer again, but if that's what makes you happy and if you really want this, then let's do it. Let's start trying again and we will see how that goes after that, hopefully it ends up how we want it to, with a baby in our lives and us happy." Liam hoped.

"Thank you so much, I really hope so too and I know that will go amazing and everything will go great... trust me." I said.

"Always, and I'll be here through it all." Liam promised.

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