Daniel Ricciardo - 10

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I hope y'all are having a really good day/night and are staying home :)
This was a request made my someone who preferred to be kept anonymous.

It's the little things that make me love you...

I have always loved Formula 1, and it never crossed my mind that one day I would be in the paddock, let alone dating one of the drivers. Back in 2016 I started loving Daniel Ricciardo, he was my favorite driver and no one could change that. Who would've thought that on 2021 I would be dating the one and only Daniel Ricciardo.

It is such a great relationship, he always makes me laugh, and his smile can light up my whole world. We always talked about the future, that we would get married, how many kids we would have. I really knew he was the one I want to spend the rest of my life.

Daniel had been planing this date for months, I had no idea what he was planning. He refused to tell me anything about it, which I didn't like at all because I hated surprises. The day of our date had finally come, and I was super excited. We were in Melbourne, the Grand Prix Race had happened yesterday, but Dan and I decided to stay a bit longer just to have this date. Yes, he wanted it to be in Melbourne.

We got into the car, and right as I was seating on the passenger seat, Daniel got a blindfold and covered my eyes. He said that it was because he didn't want me to see just yet where we were headed. I hated the idea but I had to go with it because I honestly had no other option.

After about 15 minutes of Daniel driving we stopped. He got out of the car, and then went over to my side, opened the door and took the blindfold off my face. I was still very confused on the location to which Daniel had brought me. We were in what seemed the middle of the forest. It seemed quite scary, however I trusted Dan and knew we would be okay. He took my hand, and started walking deeper into the kind of forest we where on, and I just followed right behind him. We walked for a few minutes until we reached a clearing. In the middle of the space was a lake, and to the right was what seemed to be a picnic like setup. I was absolutely stunned by the idea, it was just perfect.

However, right after we sat down, it started raining. It wasn't heavy rain at first but we both knew that even when it wasn't bad, we had to leave with all the stuff. We picked up everything for the floor, and then started walking back to the car. As we were walking, the rain got even worse than before, and by the time we got back to the car we were totally soaked. We got into the car, and left. Once we were back in the city we pulled over because the rain was just too heavy for us to keep driving around... it just wasn't safe enough.

"I really am sorry, I had the cutest date planned for us but things took a really big unexpected turn." Daniel said, out of the blue. I just smiled, honestly I didn't believe our date had been ruined because we could always do other things. "Don't worry about it, I really don't mind not having a super cute date." I said, and smiled at him trying to prove that it was perfectly fine that we weren't in the planned date. "I do feel bad anyways, you deserve amazing dates, just as great as you." He said. He could be the cutest boy in the world even when the things he said could be really cheesy. "We could always have our picnic here in the car" I suggested. "How would that even work?" He asked. "Well, we just open the basket, get the food out and eat, maybe talk too. We can look at the stars through the windshield. We can always make things work" I said. "It's just not as romantic as the whole date I had planned." He said, and then pouted cutely. "That doesn't really matter Dan, at least we're together, and also it's a cooler date anyways." I said, still trying to cheer him up. "Well that's true, it's just sad that I had planned that one for months but it didn't work out how I wanted it too." He said, then sighed. "It's okay, you know that you don't need to impress me, that's not why I fell in love with you" I said, reassuringly. "I know that wasn't it, but why did you even fall in love for someone like me?" He asked. I'd never thought he would ask something like that because he's quite confident in himself. "If i'm being honest? Probably your smile, positivity and confidence... really its the little things that make me love you nothing else can change that." I said. "That really means a lot, after having so many girls who just wanted money, having you by my side makes all those bad relationships worth the wait." He said and smiled. "I love you, Dan." I said. "And I love you more y/n." He told me.

After the rain had passed a little, we went back home and just relaxed. We did repeat our perfect date some weeks after, and it was great. We weren't in Australia but it was still amazing.

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