Lando Norris - 85

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Hey everyone! I will try to keep posting daily, however I start online school again on Monday, so maybe my constant posting might not continue.

Please keep requesting! I will try to make all of them as soon as possible. This was a request by cosmicless

Let's break the distance...

I am a person who always hated the idea of being far away from the people you love the most. Ironically, my boyfriend and I are in a long distance relationship, I live in Barcelona, Spain and he lives in the UK. Even when it might not seem like it's too bad, his job just makes it harder for us to see each other since he's constantly traveling.

I would always complain about how I didn't like our relationship being long distance, how we never saw each other, that he was always busy, between many other reasons I could give. Lando was probably one of the most patient guys I knew, well only when it came to me because in reality he was such a muppet it was so funny.

We were on FaceTime trying to figure out when we would see each other, it was off season for him but I still had some work to do. "You know you could always fly out to Barcelona to see me, I have work but we could still hang out." I suggested. "I know, but I want to spend all of my time with you. I don't like the idea of us being in the same place but not being able to be together all day." He said. "We could always see each other in about a month, I'm free off work then, though it's a long time without seeing you!" I suggested, hoping that Lando wouldn't think it was a good idea. "No! In a month I go back to pre season testing and things like that, so I won't be able to fly out then." He said. I groaned in annoyance. "I wish I could just go to your testing, but with all the government regulations it seems impossible, I'm just saying you should fly out even when i'm at work... we could spend half of the day together." I told him. "Okay that could work, but quick reminder that I don't speak Spanish! How do you plan on having me communicating on my own?" He asked.

I really hadn't thought that through, and it's not like Lando learns actual things when he's around Carlos. They're always doing stupid things, and when I'm on FaceTime Lando only wants to talk never learn. We really didn't have it easy, and it really was tiring to find ways in which we could see each other. He was rich and famous around the motor sports world, but that didn't mean that I would take advantage of his money. I worked and saved up to see him, the thing was mostly that our schedules were never similar.

"I mean, there's a lot of places in which people speak english, mostly around the touristic areas of Barcelona." I told him. "Well, I know but it's more fun when I hear you speaking Spanish, it sounds so nice" He told me. His comment made me blush, and I smiled lightly. "Love, we could always see each other some other time... Just tell me when we can meet up in one of the Grand Prix's, I could always save up to see you race." I said, smiling wide. "I just can't wait to see you, it really sucks not to have you by my side everyday darling." He said to me.

I obviously loved the idea of both of us being together everyday, waking up together every morning, having lunch together after some of his interviews, watching him race every Sunday, and many more things. It sounded like one of the most important moves in our relationship, living together was one of the biggest commitments in a relationship.

"Have you thought about us living together?" I asked. "I obviously have gorgeous, it would be an amazing thing... I actually think about it a lot more than I probably should." He admitted. "It really would be something amazing, you know; you and I living together, traveling the world. The only problem with that is that I still have to work, you know I wasn't born in a wealthy family or that at 21 years old I managed to make me rich. You and I traveling all the time would just make it hard to make my own money." I expressed with concern. "You know what, I see you're excited to live with me... so let's make it happen." He stated, and seemed very confident in what he was saying. "Wait, are you being serious?" I asked. "I really am." He said. "Lando you're insane, there's so many things to think about before that... It really isn't so simple." I said, was he not concerned about everything we had just talked through? "Don't worry about that, let's break the distance and after that we can think about how we will manage the traveling and your job... for now don't worry about anything. I will fly you out to the UK, and everything else will be thought of after. Move in with me y/n please." He showed a lot of interest on this. I really wanted to do it, it was risky but probably not a bad decision. I was hesitant but ended up saying yes.

To be continued...

tell me if I should do the part two of this one shot, like y/n moving with Lando, comment here and let me know :))

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