Lando Norris - 74

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I'm really not the best writer, but bear with me, I'm really trying to improve and make this as good and to make what people expect from an imagine.

Thanks for the request @emmely08 I hope you enjoy this and well that it's what you expected.

-Just Hold Me-

It had been a really stressful day for me. I didn't like the fact that my day had gotten horrible because my boss was giving me a really hard time today.

I went back home to my apartment which I share with my boyfriend Lando Norris. Yes indeed, the Formula One driver for McLaren F1 Team. Once I arrived I said with a loud voice "Honey, I'm home" I went in and didn't get a reply, however, I heard several voices and Lando laughing. I followed the voice, and just saw him playing on his simulator with the twitch quartet. They were streaming together like they always do.

"Hey Lando" I said. He simply replied back with a "Hey babe" and after that he just went back to playing. I was really sad and that he wasn't really paying much attention to me was even worse. I just knew that even if I tried speaking to him he'd keep playing with Charles, Alex and George.

I went to our room and just started thinking about everything that had already happened today. That just brought my mood even lower and I started crying. I normally would have Lando comfort me, but, today that wasn't going to be the case, so I decided to take a shower to make myself feel a little better.

I made some food and just relaxed for a while. I lost track of time until I heard Lando had stopped his streaming and was calling my name "y/n?" He asked. You decided to ignore him just like he did with you when he was streaming a while ago. He kept repeating your name a couple of times until reached your room. He came in and saw you. "Did you not hear me calling you?" He asked. You decided to ignore him, to make him notice that you didn't want to talk to him at the moment.

"Babe what's wrong? why are you ignoring me?" He asked, kinda worried. "Do you really not see it? I came back home from work, and went to say hi. You completely ignored me. You didn't even ask how my day had been." I said a little bit annoyed. "How was your day then?" He asked. "It doesn't matter anymore, I had a horrible day today and you weren't even there for me. I hate when you aren't there fore me." I was on the verge of tears, which made Lando's eyes soften. "y/n, I'm so sorry darling. You could've stopped me from streaming and I would've stopped playing... just for you" He said, really guilty for not being there for you. "You know what, I don't even care anymore... just hold me" He held you close to him, while you cried in his arms for a little.

You spent the rest of the day with Lando, he tried to make it up to you in any way he could think of. He still felt guilty, which only made you love him even more. Because even when he wasn't there in the right moment he always found a way to make you feel better and super special. Even when we sometimes had arguments I was very happy to have Lando as my boyfriend. He deserves the world and more.

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