Logan Sargeant - 201

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Hey everyone! I will try to be updating as much as possible so I can open the second book once this one is done :) Remember that for now requests are still closed, but you can always check out my other books. This was a request made by cosmicless  I hope you enjoy it.

Do you remember the night we met?...

Today Logan and I had decided to go out on a date that turned out to be really fun. We were just driving around the city of Miami and I was staring out the window at all the city lights. It was such a pretty sight that only reminded me of the night Logan and I had met.

I didn't really know if Logan remembered that night but to me, it had been very special and a lot had happened. I wanted to ask Logan if he still remembered that night so I asked him.

"Hey Logs, do you remember the night we met?" I asked him. I wasn't really scared for his response because I didn't mind it that much if he couldn't remember that night.

"Of course I do babe, it was the same night I met the love of my life so, it was very meaningful. Also before you even go crazy you're the girl I met and you're the love of my life." He said confidently.

His reply made my heart melt, I guess that night meant as much to him as it did to me. "I'm glad it was also meaningful to you, I wouldn't have thought that I would meet such a special person like you," I said.

"What do you even remember of that night? I want to see if we remember the same things." Logan asked me.

"So this is what I remember..." I said

It was almost nighttime, and my friends had somehow got me into going clubbing with them. I really wasn't in the mood to go out since I really wasn't the one that likes to party much. I knew all they wanted to do was getting wasted and ending up in some random guy's bed... and I didn't like the idea of that.

We got to the club and we all made our way to the bar and ordered a few drinks. Moments later a group of guys arrived and made their way towards us. I had no idea who they were but I was pretty sure that all they wanted to do was flirt with us and probably get laid. 

I moved away from them and just sat on one of the stools. There was a guy in the group that didn't really fit into the group of guys. He wasn't flirting with all the girls and seemed unamused, I could've guessed that even bored just like me. 

I looked at him and he smiled softly at him, I really wasn't sure what the guy was doing here if he seemed really that bored. I was intrigued, there was something about him that seemed different. I walked over to him. 

"You're not having much fun, are you?" I asked the blond guy in front of me. 

"Not really, you don't seem amused either. What are you doing here?" He asked. There was a noticeable American accent on his tone, I was pretty sure he wasn't from around here. 

"Well I was kind of forced by the girls to come here, I didn't really feel like partying today but here I am, with a martini on my right hand and nothing better to do with my life." I said as I sighed loudly afterward. 

"Well, today is your day of luck, I wasn't in the mood to come here either, so maybe we could leave this place and have a nice time looking around the city." He suggested. 

"And, I'm supposed to trust you because?" I asked raising an eyebrow, I wanted to go with him but I had no idea what his intentions were. Hopefully good, I wasn't really in the mood to get murdered or kidnapped by a cute guy like him, maybe tomorrow though. 

"Well, because you got nothing better to do, and you'll only feel miserable if you stay here. I promise I won't do anything bad to you, and we won't do anything you're not comfortable with." He said. It seemed to be a promise that he could be able to keep. I somehow felt safe around him, even when he was a total stranger. 

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the busy club, it wasn't easy since it was very crowded and not many would leave us space to leave the place. When we finally made it out of the establishment, I was greeted with a red Ferrari waiting for us to get in. The guy had to be loaded if he could afford such nice cars, I thought. 

All we did on that nice night was drive around as we listened to random songs on my playlist. Logan seemed to be one of the most down-to-earth guys I had ever been with, and I somewhat thought that he had been on that bar because of destiny. 

I laughed more than I ever had in a long time, I could be myself around him even when we had just met. We finally came to a stop at the beach. I got out of the car and walked to the shore. Logan and I sat near the water. 

"The sky is beautiful, and for once many stars are visible on it." I mentioned while looking into the dark. 

"Not as beautiful as you though," Logan said in a horrible attempt to flirt with me a little.

The statement made me chuckle, and it was right there that I knew that there was something about him that maybe could make him my forever in the future.

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