Mick Schumacher - 14

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I update so often I don't know why I still type these author notes LMFAO but well it's whatever :) Please keep requesting and check out my other story ehehe... This was requested by JKay2011  I really hope you like it :)

I'm not jealous, it's just... you're mine!

I was going to go out with my boyfriend to go out grocery shopping, mostly because we needed to get some food and other types of snacks for a movie night and possibly Netflix and chill with Mick which was very nice.

We drove to the store, and when we arrived I explained to Mick what we needed to buy and also what would he go get and what I would get. It was just to get things faster and be able to leave soon and watch a lot more movies, which will probably end up as a sleepless night.

While I was walking around the store and getting everything I was supposed to get I bumped into someone. Right in front of me was my high school sweetheart Jason, we didn't end on the best of terms but a few months ago he reached out and we started talking once again. He was really nice and we both had matured and decided to be friends once again.

I greeted him and he greeted me back. "How has everything been y/n?" Jason asked me.

"There have been a lot of things going on lately but my boyfriend and I are just grocery shopping to have a movie night. We both have been extremely busy and just want to relax for a weekend mostly because he doesn't have a race." I told him.

"That sounds super nice darling, I really hope that you have a lot of fun with him." He told me.

I was really glad that he was understanding about my relationship with MIck. We kept talking for more time that what I expected. Moments later I heard my phone ringing, and I saw on the screen that Mick had been calling me.

Mick's POV:
I started getting nervous because I was all done with shopping but y/n was nowhere to be seen. I called her a couple of times until she finally picked up moments nater.

"Hey gorgeous, where are you? I'm all done with the shopping" I asked a bit worried. "Oh, I lost track of time, I'm not done yet but I promise that I will finish soon." She said. In the background I heard a male voice that was calling her name.

"I'll meet you outside, bye babe." I said and humg up the fun quickly after.

Something inside me clicked when I remembered that I had heard a man talking to her, I didn't know if I was jealous of a guy that I hadn't even seen. I started walking around the store and finally found her in an isle that had all the chips and popcorn.

I saw her talking to a tall, brunette, blue eyed man, and he had an accent that I didn't recognise. I walked over to them and wrapped an arm around my girlfriend. She was looking at the other guy with a huge smile and it just made me boil inside even more.

"Hey babe, this is Jason... a friend of mine that I ran into." She told me. I felt my body stiffen when I heard his name, y/n once had told me that her ex boyfriend's name was Jason. I wasn't really paying attention to what they were talking about because I really didn't want to hear what this idiot had to say. I just wrapped my arm around y/n waist with a tighter and protective grip and didn't say much more right after.

I was just replying with short answers when I knew that I needed to. Y/n glared at me and then I decided to say goodbye to the guy.

He left not long after, and as I was once again grabbing some more groceries and trying to calm myself down.

"Mick, what the hell was that about? You were being so rude to my friend!" She exclaimed. I flinched a bit at her tone because I thought she'd understand that I didn't like the guy and was just claiming what's mine.

"I didn't do anything wrong! Or do you really think that I'd openly talk to the guy who if I'm not wrong is your EX BOYFRIEND and also you were heavily laughing with..." I protested.

She chuckled "Are you really jealous of Jason?" She asked.

"First of all don't avoid my comment, and what if I am?" I said frustrated. She bursted out laughing, and I rolled my eyes because I knew that she really wasn't taking me seriously.

She calmed down a little and with a smile spoke up again. "Babe don't be jealous, I know we were talking and he is my ex but we're all good now. I love you and only you." She said. I loved the fact that she was reassuring that she was all mine.

I sighed. "I'm not jealous, it's just... you're mine!" I exclaimed. Y/n smiled once again.

"I'm all yours I promise, but there's no need to be jealous over a guy I moved on from years ago." As she said that she pulled me closer to her and wrapped her small arms around me. I hugged back, I smiled softly as we stayed in that position for a few minutes.

We finally finished grocery shopping, and we went back to our shared apartment and put most of the things away.

We prepared our snacks and then headed to the living room so we could watch the movies we wanted.

We spent most of the night cuddling, watching random movies and shows until y/n fell asleep right in my arms and I carried her to our bed. I laid down beside her and a peaceful slumber consumed me.

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