Charles Leclerc - 109

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I go back to online school today and I'm not in the mood!! I will miss updating so much :/ This was a request made by Brazowa_Alpaka I hope you like it!

Warning: NSFW don't read ahead if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content

Seeing you in my bed is all I need to see...

It was a morning afternoon when Charles had finally arrived back home after a triple header in the Formula 1 season. It had been a great time because he had been on the podium the three times and one of those had been a win.

I knew it made Charles happy to be driving those fast cars but it was also a lot more boring since I couldn't attend those races. I missed him a lot over the past 3 weeks and it was nice to have him back in our shared apartment in Monaco.

"I missed you so much, it's no fun to be here without you around." I mentioned to Charles.

"I know love, it is a lot more fun when you're with me on all of the races. It also means that we can do a lot of things together and if I need your help to get off after a race I will have you around. Not to mention how nice it is to have you laying beside me after it all goes down." Charles reminded.

"It always gets me turned on and very proud when I see you on top of that podium, it really is something I love." I said.

"Maybe we could do something right now if you're in?" Charles suggested probably hoping that I would say yes.

"I would love to, I'm always in the mood if it's with you handsome." I replied.

"Let's get to it then." Charles said and then proceeded to pick me up bridal style and take me to our room.

We arrived there and Charles laid me down on the bed and took both of our pairs of shoes off. I was excited because it had been 3 weeks since we had actually had any type of sexual intercourse between each other that wasn't just through face time.

He kissed my lips and my whole body ignited, all I could feel was pleasure because to me it had been a really long time and I hated that.

I moaned softly into the kiss and I deepened the kiss. All I wanted was to have sex, I didn't want to go through all the foreplay that we would go through almost every time.

Charles took my top off and started kissing down my neck. It felt so good to have his lips on my body, I felt like I was on fire. I took his own shirt off and I rubbed my hands down his abs.

"Please, I need you inside of me" I pleaded to Charles, if not almost begged.

"We will get there love, I know you love this feeling." Charles said.

He took my pants off and also his in two motions and then he took my underwear off and proceeded to start eating me out.

First he teased me a little and kissed my thighs not really doing what I wanted him to. Then he moved his head right in between my legs and licked on my slit. He sucked and licked in all the right places to make me feel like I'm seeing stars.

The pleasure and stimulation of his tongue on my sex was even overbearing to a certain extent. I wrapped my legs around his head to feel him even closer to me, this until I reached my high and came all over his face.

I was trying to calm down since I was panting, when I realized that Charles had taken his underwear off and was aligning his member to my entrance.

He thrusted in and out rapidly and didn't give me time to adjust much to his pace and length that was quite over the average.

After a few minutes I was used to him and even wanted him to go faster and harder to make the feeling of pleasure even stronger. I threw my head back in pleasure when he complied, it all felt amazing and I knew that at this pace I wouldn't last much longer.

I was very close to my second orgasm and I was sure that Charles noticed because he rubbed circles on my clit trying to make me get there, and it worked very well.

Seconds later I released for the second time in the last hour, I knew Charles would probably ejaculate soon because I felt him twitch inside of me.

I knew he would pull out and cum all over my body because it was the absolute hottest thing ever, and as I thought he did that. Jets of cum splashed onto my stomach.

After that he crashed down onto the bed beside me and we relaxed, then we cleaned ourselves up and changed the now dirty sheets.

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