Mick Schumacher - How we met

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Hey everyone, I hope y'all are having a good day!! I wanted to shamelessly promote my friends book it's also a Formula 1 Imagines one but she made it :) lostincallum  This was requested by WilowSmit

A lot of people ask me how did I meet my amazing boyfriend Mick Schumacher, the Formula One driver. Being honest it's a pretty long story but I love to tell it.

I was on a sleepover with my friends Alice and Morgan, and for some reasons we were looking at very cheap plane flights, and one of them came up with the idea of flying out to Switzerland with a one way flight and no date of return.

We all agreed on doing so and decided to start packing because we were leaving in a few hours. I was very excited because unplanned adventures like this one always turned out to be the coolest ones.

We had just arrived to the airport and our flight was about to board since we were late as always, but managed to make it right on time.

It was a very long flight which I spent listening to music, watching movies, eating some snacks I had brought from the States, and reading some wattpad stories like I always did. I really thought it would be ironic that one of the things that happen in the books of the app would happen to me but it also seemed absolutely impossible.

As we landed, we made our way to the bagatella claim, my friends' luggage had arrived, but mine was nowhere to be found. I was starting to get worried because maybe all my stuff had gotten lost, which wasn't really something pleasant to think about.

I talked with one of the managers, and they had tracked my luggage in another flight that was arriving in about 5 hours or a bit more. I was very frustrated and decided to go to our hotel to freshen up, this so I could calm down a little.

About three hours and a half had past, when I got a call from the airport that the flight in which my luggage had been tracked had landed and I had to be there like right in that moment. I rushed out of my hotel room and quickly headed to the airport.

Once I got there I started running to baggage claim, where there was a person waiting for me with my precious suitcase. I kept running since it wasn't a short distance from the entrance.

To make things worse when I was running I crashed into someone and the coffee that he had in his hand had spilled all over his white polo shirt. I was so embarrassed really because I was so deep into my thoughts that I didn't even notice that he was in front of me before the crash.

I looked up to see a guy with stunning ocean eyes, that were staring right back at me, blond hair styled nicely.

"I really am so sorry, I didn't mean to crash into you.. I wasn't looking and today has already been a horrible day." I was babbling to this stranger, who was very hot and probably didn't care about my problems at all.

"It's okay! Really don't worry, you seem a bit overwhelmed so really it's no problem at all the stain on my shirt will go off and I got some other shirts in my bag." He said, being really polite which wasn't normal who had just gotten coffee spilled all over his shirt that looked expensive, and which I probably had ruined.

"Oh god, I'm really sorry anyways... maybe I could invite you a coffee some day to replace the one i just wasted." I said and giggled like a stupid teenager.

He smirked a little. "That sounds like a fair enough plan, can I have your number so we can set this up someday?" He asked, and looked a bit happy to actually do it which wasn't something normal to me.

"Okay so, my phone is *insert phone number* and my name is y/n." I told him.

"Thanks for that, I'm Mick by the way." He told me, and I smiled softly at him.

"I'm sorry but I really have to go now, do call me though, I still owe you that coffee." I said and then waved goodbye at him.

I ran to the baggage claim again, and there was my suitcase, I loved the fact that I had finally found it and that all my belongings had made it to Switzerland with me even though it was a bit later than expected.

A few days later Mick texted me and we did go out for coffee, it was a lot of fun and he was nice.

And that's the story of how I met Mick Schumacher.

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