Marcus Armstrong - 129

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Hey everyone! I hope y'all are having/had a good day :) This was a request made by JKay2011 I hope you like it :)

Please stop rolling your shirt sleeves up... It's terribly distracting...

It was around 11pm when my boyfriend Marcus and I were going back home from one of the ceremonies that the FIA holds every year to give motorsport drivers from each category different awards depending on what they did during the season and how well their season went.

It had been a lot of fun since Callum and Marcus had been doing dumb stuff all the time through the event making it a lot more entertaining than what it really is.

We were on our way home and for some reason before we got into the car, Marcus had taken his suit jacket off leaving him only on his white button down dress shirt.

He looked extremely hot already with that shirt that hugged all his muscles to perfection and I could see how they flexed every now and then with the movement of his driving.

On a stop light Marcus decided to roll his sleeves up because he mentioned that he was starting to get hot on the long sleeve shirt. I cleared my throat because he looked really hot and I couldn't take my eyes off his arms.

The way he had placed his sleeves made me able to see half of his arms and some of the veins and muscles that flexed and got noticeable every time he turned or made a move with the steering wheel.

I wanted to concentrate on anything else but the ideas that were running through my head of everything we could do with him wearing that shirt like that.

I was tempted to tell him to stop the car right there because I was getting really turned on by the sight of his under-covered and strong looking arms.

I groaned without actually meaning to and Marcus slightly looked over at me and raised an eyebrow in question at my reaction to basically nothing at all.

"Could you please stop rolling your shirt sleeves up? I really can't concentrate on anything but you. It's terribly distracting." I explained to Marcus...

"Do you think I'm really attractive? I already knew I was hot but I didn't think something so simple could get you so worked up... damn y/n" Marcus said cockily.

"Don't get your ego up, I find it attractive on any guy who is hot at least a tiny bit. It's not just you babe, though I do believe you can certainly be very damn attractive and look very handsome in suits." I admitted half way.

"I find it really cute that you're getting so hot and bothered over something so simple. Though I promise once we get home I will make you feel good and all of that need will go away." Marcus promised.

I was actually really in the mood for that to happen so I really wasn't going to deny the offer. After all he was my boyfriend and I knew how good he could be in the bedroom and how good he could make me feel. It really was incredible.

"I won't say no to that amazing offer." I said with a giggle escaping my lips. "Now I can't wait to get home for that to happen, you can also be a master in bed so I will never deny a night round with you." I admitted once again.

"I'm flattered darling, but I'm just that good because how hot you look motivates me to be better and make you feel good." He expressed.

"Okay, enough of the cute chit chat lets get home already so you can get rid of this intense need to have you inside of me." I demanded.

"Yes ma'am" He replied with a chuckle.

We got home and wasted no time on getting on each other, it was a really great way to end the night.

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