Charles Leclerc - 167

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Might pull an all nighter just to upload as much as possible, we're 8 parts away from book 2 :)) So excited for that!! This was a request made by Brazowa_Alpaka I hope you like it!

WARNING: NSFW don't read if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content!

If you can't sleep, how about we have sex?...

I was tossing and turning in our king size bed, I was unable to sleep and I was running out of ideas to get myself to fall asleep. I had tried everything in my power to get myself to sleep. I needed to wake up early tomorrow but I was unable to sleep and I knew if I didn't sleep I wouldn't be able to wake up tomorrow morning when I really needed to.

My boyfriend Charles Leclerc got out of the shower and stared at me toss and turn for a few moments. "Can't fall asleep love?" He asked.

The answer was obvious and quite clear but I stated anyways. "I really can't! And I need to wake up early tomorrow morning and I'll be exhausted if I don't go to sleep now."

Charles smirked and I didn't know what to expect. "If you can't sleep, how about we have sex? It might help to get you tired and finally asleep." Charles suggested.

I didn't think it was a bad idea but I was also aware that it could take quite a while to finish and by the time we would it would be really late to sleep.

"I don't want to say no but also I need to wake up early tomorrow" I told Charles.

"No worries, I'll make it quico darling." Charles promised.

"Well then, if you say so." I replied.

I straddled Charles and kissed his plump lips. He laid back and our make out session started to get more heated as the minutes passed. I moved my hips in a circular motion to get some friction. I could feel Charles' erection underneath me and he felt rock hard and ready to get into the main part of the night.

Charles was only wearing a towel which came off quite quickly and he took his sweatshirt, which I was planning on sleeping on, off my body. We were both now naked and the sexual tension between us was clear.

I kissed down his neck and moved my hands through his strong arms and down his toned abdomen. He was so fit and I loved that, his body could've been craved by the gods themselves and I would believe it.

Charles turned us over so he would be on top, and take over the moment. He put the condom on and aligned himself with my entrance. I was soaking wet with anticipation so he slid right into me easily.

He thrusted in and out with a good pace, he wasn't going too quickly so the moment wouldn't end in 3 minutes time.

Charles started to rub my clit with his thumb as he thrusted into me trying to get me closer to my release. He knew that tonight was about getting me tired not lasting 2 hours so not much longer after I was getting really close to my release.

I knew Charles had felt my walls clench because of the profanities he mumbled under his breath. With a really powerful thrust and "Let go darling, you can do it." Into my ear. I was done.

Charles wasn't too close yet so he kept thrusting into me while I try to calm down from the high that my release had brought.

Not much longer after Charles released into the condom, he pulled it off and threw it away. He cleaned himself up again and came back to the bed.

I was starting to get tired now and I think it was quite obvious because I yawned out of tiredness. The sex had worked to get me to almost fall asleep.

Charles laid beside me and wrapped his arms around my body. He whispered how much he loved me and some other sweet nothings into my ear until I fell into a deep slumber.

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