Max Verstappen - Vacations

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I know many of my readers are going back to school sometime soon, whether it's online or in normal school. I hope you have a great start of the semester and that you don't have too many mental breakdowns
This was just an idea I had, and wrote hehe

The season had finally ended and I knew that I would finally have time to be with my boyfriend Max Verstappen for more than just 2 days, which would often happen when the season was still going.

I was very excited because we were going to travel to Bali for 2 weeks. I love the beach so this vacations we're going to be the most incredible ones for me. I knew Max didn't like the beach much but I knew we would both have a great time anyways. This because what matter the most was that it was just going to be the two of us.

We left Monaco early in the morning and arrived in Bali midday. We were staying at this really nice hotel which I absolutely loved, and everything was going great. We were chilling at the pool when Max suddenly noticed that in the hotel that we were staying at was also a girl-friend of his. She was really pretty, but I didn't think much of it and let him go greet her.

I really never thought that having her around would make me feel so jealous because Max kept reassuring me that she was just a friend. There was something off about her though, I had no idea what that was but I didn't really trust her. I was never really jealous of other girls Max would often hang out with and it just made me feel so guilty when Max noticed I was a bit jealous and called me out for it.

I really didn't like arguing with him, it was always quite messy and he would get frustrated really easily. He has a bit of a temper so I just tried to avoid arguments as much as possible. But this time that didn't happen. It went something like this:

"How can you be jealous of a friend? a fucking friend y/n..." He questioned. "Well it's quite simple Max, she's flirting with you, and getting super touchy you just don't notice it!" I exclaimed, aggravated. "She's just being friendly y/n! You just don't get that and it's ridiculous" He said, raising his voice a little. I rolled my eyes. "Well then I'll go act like her right in front of you with one of my guy friends, bet you'll love to see how friendly we can be." I said, daringly.

He glared at me, he would often get jealous of my guy friends and I knew that my statement would get him a bit more mad but also I didn't like this girl, she was throwing herself at MY boyfriend. I knew that she liked him but Max obviously couldn't see it, plus she was really pretty it just made it even more obvious that she wanted him when she would wear really short clothes, or that didn't cover much in front of Max.

Max stayed silent for a little. "See you wouldn't like me hanging with the boys, would you?" I repeated, trying to prove a point. "You're just insecure y/n, do you actually think I would cheat on you?" He asked, trying to throw the blame at me. I noticed his voice, and attitude getting colder which I hated. "Don't blame that on my insecurities! For fucks sake Max, I hate how you just don't see it! Just go hang out with her, make her your girlfriend if you want so too. Keep defending your precious friend. I said, sarcasm and frustration were very clear in my voice. "Y/n, don't be like this" He said, his tone softened a little. I really didn't want to cry right in front of him, but the tears were about to come out of my eyes. "If you're not leaving, I might as well do so myself." I said, and started to walk past him towards the door. What hurt the most wasn't leaving, it was the fact that he didn't stop me.

I went to the pool, and just sat there, thinking about the argument that had just happened. I hated the feeling of knowing that he was flirting with other girls, and also that he was just going to choose some other girl over me. I started crying, I felt my heart break just by my thoughts. A guy came over to me, and asked "Is everything okay? You seem really aggravated... maybe I could help you out." I smiled softly at him, for some reason he seemed like a guy I could trust, plus I wasn't in Monaco and I didn't know him, probably wasn't going to see him again. I told him everything that happened between Max and I, and also everything that the girl had been doing with him.

"You really seem like a nice girl, that guy doesn't deserve you. And about the girl, she's probably a bitch." He said. I laughed softly. "Well, what can I say... I warned my boyfriend about her because I just didn't get a good feeling about her." I said, and sighed. "Well, you could always hang out with me while your boyfriend is around this other girl. I came here alone, I could use some company." He suggested. I looked over my shoulder and saw Max looking at us from afar, and I knew he didn't like what he was seeing but he deserved it for the pain he had caused me in a vacation that was planned for us, as a couple. I thought that it would be a good idea to hang with someone else. "Yeah, sounds good... what's your name though? I think I didn't ask that." "Callum, Callum Ilott, and also here's my number." He said. His name was familiar but I really couldn't put a finger on it. "I'm y/n, nice to meet you Callum." I said and smiled at him. "See you later then" He said, and then left.

I went back to my room, to get ready. Max was there but I really wasn't planning on exchanging any type of conversation with him. I was still very mad at him, and I really hoped he got the idea.
"So, who's your new friend? I saw you getting comfortable with some stranger." He said. I guess he didn't get the memo, but oh well. "Callum? Yeah, he's here on vacation and is really super nice. He even suggested to hang out while you're out with your friend." I said, and smirked. His face was expressionless. "Have fun then, I will too" He said, coldly, and then left the room, but slamming the door as he left. I knew he wasn't liking this little game I was playing, however, it was what he deserved.

The night came quickly, and Max had already left to hang out with his friend, and some other guys that were here with her. I called Callum and we met each other nearby where Max was. It was were everyone hanged out in the resort, and he was going to see me with other guys. I realized who Callum was, the moment Marcus Armstrong came into view. He was a Formula 2 driver. I just thought it made it totally better because that would have Max's blood boiling for sure.

We were dancing, drinking, and just joking around. I was having so much fun. As I looked back to were Max and his friends where, I noticed that he wasn't near the girl. He was looking right at me, with a beer in hand. I knew that he would soon loose it, and the best way to do it was dancing with Callum. In seconds Max got up, and was walking right over to us. Without taking his eyes off me, he walked to me, wrapped his hand around my wrist and pulled me away from my new friends. I knew he was mad, and this was going to be fun.

"What do you think you're doing with him y/n! I'm YOUR boyfriend not him!" He said, his voice was loud and I knew that he was really mad. "Now you see what I felt every time I saw you hanging out with that bitch, you don't like me hanging with my friends" I said, and then rolled my eyes. He sighed with frustration "Stop this, I know you're jealous but this isn't fair! He's a driver, do you want to sleep with him or something?" He asked. I was shocked, I seriously didn't think how jealous he would get over this. "Max stop with the bullshit, I love you and only you. I just wanted you to feel the same thing that I've been feeling all week. Seeing you with her, it was destroying me! I hate her, I hate the idea of you and her, you're mine, and ONLY mine." I said, about to cry. His expression softened immediately. "I-I didn't know you were feeling like this, I just thought you were a little jealous but that it was nothing. I really am sorry for making you feel this way darling. I hated seeing you with someone else, with another driver was even worse!" He told me. "Well, we both stop this little game, and just enjoy each other for the week we got left here." i suggested. "Sounds like an amazing idea gorgeous." He said, smiling.

I was so glad we got that figured out. After the clarification, Max kept reassuring me that I was his, that no one else could change that. He also mentioned that he wanted to marry me one day, and that this relationship was going to be for life. Callum and I were still friends, and he was glad the other girl was out of the picture for my sake. We kept talking, but he obviously kept proper distance respecting the fact that I was in a relationship.

I was finally happy with that bitch out of Max's life.

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