Charles Leclerc - 115

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Hey guys! I hope y'all are having a nice day! Please remember that requests are closed and the ones made are written down. This was a request made by yourgirlel I hope you enjoy it!

No one compares to you...

It was a monday morning and I was getting ready to go on a business trip to Monaco, it was a trip I was dreading attending since I knew there was some way in which I could see my ex boyfriend Charles Leclerc which was something I didn't want to do after everything that had happened between us.

Everyone thought we made a really cute couple, even the fans that didn't like it when the drivers had girlfriends. And we broke up when I got tired of seeing him once again hanging out with his ex. I wasn't the type to get jealous but that one time it was too far. He had been cuddling with her on a yacht in Monaco and then said that he wasn't really over her which absolutely destroyed me.

I left Monaco and became very successful in England as I pursued all of my dreams. Because of my job I knew that I had to go back to Monaco and possibly face a situation that I hadn't really fixed before leaving. Seeing him again would possibly reopen wounds on my heart that had been left behind long ago.

I had arrived in Monaco and went straight to all the meetings that I had to attend throughout the week I was staying there. I was really tired and needed to think about everything that had happened on every meeting.

I went to the boulevard, which had a really pretty view to the ocean. The view was calming and the sound of the waves helped me think properly.

I was abruptly cut off my thoughts when someone called my name. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" A masculine and very familiar voice said to me, I looked up to see the one and only Charles Leclerc, who is also my ex boyfriend standing right in front of me shocked to see me in the same boulevard we used to spend time together a year ago. My mind went blank and I couldn't process having him there.

"Ch-Charles?" I stuttered to pronounce his name, the past came crashing back to me like a train wreck, how he left me for his ex because he made it clear that he wasn't over her. I wanted to cry, there were too many emotions that I was feeling and didn't actually want to feel because I was looking at those mesmerizing green eyes.

"It's been a minute, I saw you moved to England, what has made you come back to Monaco?" He asked.

Why did he even want to know what I was here for, it was none of his business anyways. "It's none of your business, but I can tell you for a fact it wasn't to see you again." I said sassily.

His expression seemed broken for a slight second, was he disappointed that I didn't come back for him? Did he not realize that me leaving in the first place was all of his fault?

"I know y/n and I really am sorry for everything that happened, which I understand that a simple apology won't make up everything that happened but I swear I've changed. Please let me at least talk to you, maybe have some coffee? It's on me." He tried to explain and mend some of those past issues somehow.

I appreciated the thought but I also knew that it would pain me even more to be around him after all this time, I knew that I never got over him.

"I can't do that, I know that this won't end well." My voice broke a tiny bit as I said that and I knew that Charles would somehow notice that.

"I know and I will say sorry a thousand times because I really am. Please I don't like seeing you sad, even after all this time seeing you hurting still hurts me." He stated, as he did he wrapped his arms around me.

It was an unexpected hug that it took me a minute to give back. I was a bit stunned by his actions but the familiar feeling of his embrace still made me feel comfortable, after all he had been at some point my safe place.

"Okay, I'll go with you but only for an hour." I agreed. I knew that I was probably going to end up regretting my decision but I couldn't deny that it felt good to be around him even when he had emotionally hurt me so much. Maybe today could help heal those wounds that I never tried to heal and just put in the back of my head.

We walked together to a small coffee shop near the coast, the delicious smell of coffee hit me and I relaxed a little. We sat down together and ordered what we wanted.

"First of all, I want to apologize, and explain that I have changed... and after a year of being apart I've realized how much of a mistake my past decisions were. I should've never changed you for my former girlfriend and I realized that you were so much better. I know that I noticed my wrongs way after than what was good, but I didn't really know how to approach you knowing that I hurt you so much. I mean this y/n no one compares to you. I wish I had stayed with you, and I don't expect this to make you run back to me, but I want to at least know that you forgive me." He explained, it seemed like a genuine apology, but I didn't want to get hurt by the same guy once again.

"I accept your apology, but I don't think anything will get back to how it used to be... I want to have a good chat with you right now, so maybe it would be a good idea to put our past relationship aside for a moment and talk like if we were old friends." I suggested since I didn't want to talk about the past.

We talked for a long time and kind of got caught up with everything that had happened in the past year. We drank coffee and hugged, it did help me heal a little which was long due now.

I didn't know what the future would hold for him and I but I was really sure that at least for now I had the guy that at some point was my best friend somewhat back in my life which made me happy. I knew that I wouldn't love him like I used to but at least I could find a way to mend the past and move on.

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