Frederik Vesti - 163

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Hey guys!! I will try to update more today so hopefully a couple of updates will be seen today. Remember that requests for this book are now closed but the ones for my next one will be open soon!! Also, I hope y'all are doing good and have a happy easter. This was requested by, LilyHeseltine123 I really hope you enjoy it :)

Warning: NSFW don't read ahead if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content!

Show me how you like to be touched...

It was a typical Thursday and my boyfriend Frederik and I were sitting in the couch of the living room watching some series on Netflix.

I started getting distracted off the show and looked at Frederik. He was looking so fine tonight with his tight white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. His jaw clenched and unclenched as he was concentrated on the show we were watching.

I could only think about how good looking he was and I quickly started getting hot and bothered. It was a feeling that I loved because it meant that I still felt the same way about him and that he was still extremely attractive.

"Fred, I'm in the mood." I said.

"In what mood baby?" Frederik asked.

"In THE mood." I replied.

Frederik's pupils dilated as his head turned to look at me. He smirked at me and said with a huskier voice than normal. "Show me how you liked to be touched babe." He demanded as he moved closer to me until his body was on top of mine.

I moaned softly on his ear and I felt his erection rubbing on my leg. I grabbed his hand and guided it to my covered sex which was really wet with anticipation which had been caused because of my thoughts.

Frederik started kissing me with passion. I was feeling even hornier by the second and the biggest sexual thoughts started filling my mind.

"Babe don't tease and just fuck me already." I said desperately. I was in need to have him inside of me.

"Are you really that desperate darling?" He asked as he kissed down my neck and tried to take my top off.

We quickly took each other's clothes off real quick and started making out again. I ran my hands though Fred's hard and defined abs. He was once again kissing down my neck to my boobs and then started sucking and biting softly on my sensible nipples.

The sensation made me moan in pleasure. I placed my hands on his hair and tugged on it. I was super desperate to have Fred inside me and feeling the most pleasure of all.

"Please Fred, I need you." I whined.

"Shh darling, we will get there soon." He said reassuringly.

His fingers made its way to my clit, and as he rubbed it in circles he inserted two fingers into me and started pumping them in and out of me.

I moaned his name loudly and as he kept going I moaned some other profanities. Frederik kept dirty talking and it made me get closer to my release.

As I felt my stomach clenched and felt my release really close, Frederik's fingers came out of my sex and I whimpered because of the lack of stimulation on my body, and my release getting refused.

"Fred, please I was so close." I whined once again because of his constant teasing and orgasm denial.

"I wasn't going to make you cum just with my fingers, I want you to feel all of me and the most pleasure you've ever felt because of how hot you look right now." He said mentioning everything that he was going to do to me.

I just moaned in response at the thought and just because of how much I actually needed him inside of me.

He put a condom on, and then aligned his cock with my entrance. Without a warning he slammed right into me and it felt extremely good.

I threw my head back in pleasure as Frederik rammed into me over and over. It was one of the most pleasuring feelings on the world.

I felt my orgasm building up for the second time today and all I wanted was a possible release. As Fred kept thrusting in and out of me I felt his cock get to it's hardest point and was also coming to a possible release.

We both reached our orgasm at the same time and it had been one of the strongest ones I'd had so far because of how much teasing Fred had done.

The sensation left my legs trembling and I was panting a lot. After we were done we cuddled for about half an hour. Frederik made sure that I was warm and cozy on the bed, and I felt into a deep slumber.

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