Lance Stroll - 209

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Hey everyone!! How's everyone doing? Please remember to keep requesting and check out my other book :) This was requested by LilyHeseltine123  I hope you like it :)

Maybe we could start having children...

I have always been into the idea of having a family and children with a man I love so much that I'm willing to be with for the rest of my life.

Lance and I have been together for a long time but we aren't really married yet. I'm not rushed to get married because I know he's the one anyways.

I had been thinking about wanting to start a family with him seeing that most of my friends were already having kids and honestly I kind of had baby fever and wanted a kid of my own.

I really had no idea how to tell Lance that I wanted to start a family with him because it wasn't a topic that we would often talk about.

He was often out of town traveling and going to different places to test the car that it just wasn't something that came to mind because of his absence to a certain extent.

I was thinking about it for a while when I got cut off my very important thoughts by the voice of my boyfriend Lance, who had just returned from some meetings at the Aston Martin Head Quarters.

"Hey gorgeous, you looked very thoughtful, is everything alright?" He asked me.

I had no idea what to say, was everything okay? Should I be straight forward with him and just say that maybe we should start having a family or should I just say that I'm fine and tell him when I'm certain that Lance wants the same thing as I do. I decided to go with the first option since it seemed to be the best one for me.

"I'm just thinking about something that actually makes me really happy." I said.

"A penny for your thoughts then?" He asked.

"I'll tell you anyways" I sighed "I've been thinking maybe we could start having children." I expressed.

He smiled and his eyes glimmered with happiness. He seemed genuinely happy about my comment or more like a suggestion but I guessed that helped me calm down a little to see that we kind of are on the same page about this.

"I didn't say anything about this before because I had no idea if you thought we were moving on too fast in regards of our relationship. I am absolutely in love with the idea of you being the mom of my children because of how much I love you." Lance admitted.

My heart filled with joy thinking about the fact that he wanted the same thing as me and that he loved me so much to commit to something so big like starting a family.

"I'm so glad we both think the same way, though don't you think it might be hard not having you around much?" I asked genuinely concerned about the fact that Lance was traveling like 70 percent of the whole year.

He looked deeply into my eyes. "Don't worry about it love, you and I will find a way to make it work. I promise that even when I'm not around a lot I'll always be here for you and you know you can count on me whenever you need me." He promised.

I really loved how supportive and sweet he was. Those traits were probably the main reasons why I fell in love with such an amazing man like Lance.

He wrapped his arms around my body and we just kind of stayed there calmly thinking about the conversation we had just had.

"So when do we start making the babies? You know that's the fun part out of this." Lance said out of the blue in a clearly joking matter.

His comment made me giggle and also blush a little thinking about everything that Lance and I could do, and all the places where it could all happen.

"Well I haven't really thought about that if I'm being honest. The idea of us starting a family just came to mind but I really didn't plan much of it if not, I didn't really plan anything at all and just straight up told you about it." I said.

He looked at me. "Well I feel like things that are extremely planned sometimes don't go as you want them to, so what if we just take it easy and whatever happens, happens." Lance suggested.

I liked the idea that he had, it also meant no pressure whatsoever in regards of us needing to have a kid. I wanted to have one but obviously it wasn't so simple.

"I really love your idea babe, thanks for everything really it means a lot." I said.

Nothing much happened after but the daydream of our future. We did start trying but we had no idea what the future would hold.

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