Charles Leclerc - 128

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I've been on an update streak today and I'm so proud of myself ahaha!! Once again sorry if your requests have taken sooo long, I just don't have time to post as much... well until today! This was a request made by yourgirlel Thanks for it and I hope you like the result :)

I'm only important when you want something from me...

It really is a lot of fun to be one of the most well known Formula 1 driver's girlfriend, and it got a lot of perks. Well that's what I think because it really isn't my case, I mean it kinda is but not really. Charles Leclerc has been sleeping around with me for as long as I can remember. It really is a lot of fun, but I'm starting to get sick of being always his second choice.

I'm always getting stuff from him and I'm not complaining about the sex. However, the girl he is always showing off and taking to the paddock is Charlotte. I'm never seen as much more than his side chick.

It really annoys me because I've always given myself to him fully but it isn't something I get back too. I love having a zero commitment relationship but I also want what he has with his girlfriend well... aside from the fact that he's cheating on her with me and the poor girl is super oblivious to that fact.

I have been thinking about confronting Charles about this but I've been hesitating to do so, because I don't want to lose what we have.

I was sitting on my living room couch scrolling through my instagram feed when I saw a post he had made with Charlotte once again talking about how much he loved her with his whole heart. The caption made my blood boil because I knew that he didn't actually care about her.

I suddenly got a phone call from himself Charles Leclerc and I answered to see what he needed this time.

"Hey gorgeous, how have you been?" He asked politely as I picked up the phone call.

"Cut the crap Charles, what do you want?" I said coldly.

"So now I can't call you nicely anymore? What has gotten into you today?" He asked annoyed because of how I had responded in the first place.

"Honestly you never do that, and you're with your perfect girlfriend today so I'm almost sure all you want is to fuck and dump me like every other weekend." I stated knowing that it was the truth.

"Well yes, I actually did call you to have sex, but you didn't have to say it like that." He said.

I knew that my statement had come out really harshly but it was indeed the truth and it had been a lot of fun at first but I had feelings for this guy and I really couldn't keep up with this anymore.

" See! I'm only important when you need something from me. You're taking Charlotte out on dates and saying you fancy her so much but I'm the one who's actually here for you and pleases you every time you feel horny. It's ridiculous and I'm sick of it." I expressed with frustration noticeable in every word I spoke.

"Y/n" his voice softened "I really do like you a lot and you're an amazing girl, I thought no jealousy was included in this relationship of just sex. I am willing to give you more but I can't end things with Charlotte just like that." He commented.

"If you really cared you would've ended things with her a long time ago and made ME your top priority! I have deserved it more than she ever has but all I am to you is a girl to use for sex and your personal pleasure. But you know what, this stupid relationship is over. I'm sick of just being your second choice okay? I can't take this anymore." I stated and I was pretty clear on what I wanted, it had to be either everything or nothing at all.

"Y/n please" His voice cracked slightly. "I really do like you! Please give me a second chance to show you that I really want you to be my main girl and to show you off to the world I really mean it this time." He promised.

I was almost sure that he wasn't going to keep that promise but I was willing to give it a try, after all that's what I was here for. But, before making that final decision of being properly with him. I had to ask about her... the girl whose place I'd be taking as Charles's girl.

"Are you actually agreeing to breaking up with Charlotte to be fully committed to me?" I ask a tiny bit hesitant.

"If that's what you want I'm willing to do it, and give you what you deserved since the start." He said. I knew that this might take a horrible turn but well it was going to be my only shot to be with Charles for real this time and I wasn't going to waste it just like that.

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