Lance Stroll - First Time

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Hola Amigos!! I'm writing a new story with preferences, it would be nice if you'd comment which F1 and F2 drivers y'all want on them :) This was a request made by LilyHeseltine123  I hope you enjoy it!

NSFW Warning ⚠️
If you feel uncomfortable with this type of content don't read ahead

A few days ago, I had started dating the Formula 1 driver Lance Stroll. We had been on our first date yesterday, and decided to stay in today to watch some movies together. I was really scared and nervous since I didn't know what to expect out of this kind of date we were having.

It was probably something all couples do but we had never even cuddled or made out... We could say I was very innocent and Lance respected that.

I arrived to his apartment, and knocked on the door. After a few minutes of waiting the door was opened, on the other side there was Lance wearing a sweatshirt and joggers. Even when he was wearing some casual clothes he still liked amazing.

"Hi gorgeous" He said to greet me.

"Hey handsome" As I greeted him he moved out of the way so I could come in to his apartment. It was very minimalist yet it looked so fancy, which was something that suited him perfectly.

"If you want we can go watch some movies in the living room and just chill there for a little." He suggested.

I smiled shyly, I really didn't know how to act. "Sound alright" I said. I didn't mean to sound rude, I was just nervous.

He grabbed my hand and led me to the living room, we sat down right by each other and Lance played a movie which I hadn't watched before.

He put his arms around my shoulders and pulled my closer to him. I put my head on his shoulder and the closeness between each other just made me feel in comfort.

The movie started and we fell into a very comfortable silence, and the only thing heard was the narration of the movie.

He started running his hand down my arm which made me shiver. I started getting bored, the movie really wasn't it. I started tracing random figures on his lap out of boredom. To me it seemed like a very innocent gesture, however Lance cleared his throat a bit loud.

"I'm tired, wanna watch something else in my room?" He asked softly.

"Sure, that would be nice." I said and stood up. He guided me to his room and I just followed. When we reached his room, he laid on the bed and signaled me to go lay besides him, I obviously did as asked. He wrapped his arms around my waist and we looked at each other, Lance kissed my nose softly and then proceeded to kiss my lips.

I kissed back and melted into the kiss. Lance deepened the kiss by bitting my lip softly, and then inserting his tongue into my mouth. A really soft moan came from my throat, and Lance took this as a signal that I was enjoying myself.

I felt something poking my leg, so I moved it to feel what that was. With that one movement Lance groaned and then put his hand on my putter thigh to stop me from moving my leg around by what I guess was his hard on.

I bit Lance's lower lip softly, I somehow got confidence but still allowed him to have control because I was very inexperienced.

He flipped us over so he was on top. He pulled away from our kiss, which only left me panting and also pouting because I was enjoying it. "Do you want me to continue what you started? You know I'll respect if you decide to end this here and we can just stay cuddling" He said, and reassured me that he wouldn't take things further if I didn't decide to do so.

I blushed a little "I want to do it with you, make love to me babe" I said with a lot more confidence that I expected coming from myself.

Lance smirked at me and took his sweatshirt off. "I promise I'll be gentle darling." He promised. He kissed me once again, but now with a lot more passion that the first one, it was a very lustful make out session that started to make my panties wet.

He took my crop top off, and then started to kiss down my neck. After a few minutes he found my sweet spot, he kissed and sucked softly on it which earned him a moan from me. Lance started to kiss down to my breasts and then took my bra off.

He threw the bra somewhere in the room and then started to give attention to my breasts. He bit softly on my right nipple which made me moan again, but this time it was a lot louder. While he have my right breast attention with his mouth, his hand was giving the left one attention. A few minutes later he switched sides, I was in so much pleasure it really was something amazing.

Lance took my shorts and underwear in one swift motion, he made some dirty comments here and there that only made the moment even hotter.

He then inserted one finger on my sex, and started moving it in and out. It felt so good, I felt my climax start to build up quickly. Lance noticed this "Let go when you're ready darling" He said in a husky voice.

I came into his finger, which was still burried deep inside me. It took me a few minutes to come back from my high. Lance kissed me softly and then put a condom on his cock. He laid me down and aligned himself with my entrance, he teased a little which made me whimper.

He looked at me, I knew that this would hurt at first and I also was completely sure that he was the guy I wanted to lose my virginity to.

He slowly started to go in. It really was a painful experience, I was about to cry. "You're doing so good baby, just a bit more, and all the pain will go away." He reassured me. Once he was all in, he started to pull out. I hissed in pain, I knew that I was bleeding but I also wanted to feel the pleasure.

A few thrusts later, I felt the pleasure, it felt so good I thought that I was on cloud nine. Lance's pace started to speed up, earning audible moans from me and some groans and grunts coming from Lance.

He kept going for a few more minutes when I started to feel my orgasm building up again. I didn't last much longer, when I released it felt even better than the first time.

Lance kept thrusting into me, until he also released inside me into the condom. We were both panting, and he laid besides me then cuddled with me. It made me feel so much better knowing that I had a caring guy besides me.

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