Lando Norris - Journalist

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Update streak for today is at 3-4 already :)) I'm happy! Also this was a request made by papermaedchen I hope you like it :)

Formula 1 can be amazing and a great place to work on. That's my case indeed, I'm a journalist who does interviews to the drivers every now and then to get content to post and just for the fans to get to know their idols better. I have always loved my job and I always will, but there's an issue here, I got a huge crush on one of the drivers his name is; Lando Norris. I don't believe this small crush makes things awkward between us since I believe that he doesn't even know I exist.

Ironically I had been told that I would have to have an interview with Lando today and I was kind of nervous even when I did interviews with him every other day.

It was after the race and Lando came over to me to have our interview. I started asking typical questions like how had the race been for him and things like that. Then I remembered that he had had this amazing overtake on Charles that really impressed me so I asked about it: "I saw that overtake you did on Charles through turn 4, how did you manage to pul that off? It was quite impressive if you ask me." I asked.

"Well, I don't think it was a big deal since no one else asked about it, I'm glad you actually saw it. I would love to do a move like that because even to me it was a risk that I was unsure I would be able to pull off." Lando said modestly.

"Why would you want to do something like that again?" I asked.

"Maybe because you thought it was impressive, and I want to impress you." Lando mumbled under his breath.

Even when his comment was almost unheard you did understand what he said which made you blush really lightly. I just thought it was a joke or something he would forget after the interview since most drivers really didn't care much about the press team around the paddock like me just another journalist.

Later that night you came into twitter to see the hashtag #LandoxY/n trending on twitter. It was something unexpected to me and it caught me off guard. Why were people saying that?

Turns out the interview went live and Lando's response hadn't been cut off so everyone had seen it and were speculating that maybe Lando would like me. I doubted everything that the fans where saying because I was almost sure that he didn't even know who I was, or just saw me as some typical interviewer, the thought made me sad but it was the most realistic thing to take into consideration thinking about who Lando really is and his status.

The next morning the hashtag was still trending but Lando hadn't commented on it. It made me a tiny bit upset but I knew that I would have to expect that from him.

Later that evening an interview with someone else and Lando had come out. I watched all of it and was extremely surprised by the personal questions the interviewer was making Lando.

One question rose that I was super sure everyone would be screen recording because of the possible response that Lando could give. "Who do you like?" They asked him.

Could there be a special someone in his life that he had been hiding from the world and all of the press? Would he tell the truth about that?. All those questions came to mind before Lando got the opportunity to speak up.

His response was shocking and I'm sure that it also was for many others. "You know, I'm actually single at the moment but I do like someone. She seems like the coolest girl ever, I don't really know her well but I do know her name is y/n and she's a journalist that goes around the paddock. I tried to impress her yesterday and I'm not really sure if it worked out. I also saw all over my socials that people were shipping me with her because of one of my response to her questions. So y/n if you're watching this and I'm saying this on an open interview, I really like you but I've no idea if you feel the same way." Lando explained to the nosy interviewer.

I wasn't expecting him to say ME like who would've thought that the one and only Lando Norris would look at me and think about me or develop a crush on me. That was unbelievable to me and I was still very shocked by what he had said that the only thing I tweeted out on the matter was "Yes"

Lando did come in contact with me after and it all felt like a fairytale that I never thought I would be going through. It was so incredible to me even when he had already personally told me his feelings. It was magical.

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