Alex Albon - 205

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Hey everyone! It's pre-season testing!! Almost F1 time!! Also, requests are now closed until the new book is posted. Remember to check out my new books :) This was requested by hotgoretzka thank you for the request and I hope you like it :)

To be fair... I did warn you...

I was at home with my boyfriend Alex Albon, we were planning on chilling all night today since pre-season testing was starting very soon, and he would have to leave again for a long time because of his job in Formula 1.

We had no intentions of being away from each other today since we were both well aware of how much we would miss each other once he was gone again,

We were laying down on our living room couch when Alex came up with a really fun idea. He had planned on us getting drunk for the night and just make it fun even when it was just supposed to be a night dedicated to hanging out with each other for one last time.

"I'm telling you this right now, I become a disaster when I'm drunk and I tend to make a mess around places." I mentioned to Alex.

He didn't really care, mostly because he had never really seen me drunk or doing anything too crazy that could eventually get out of hand. I knew until were I could drink without being drunk enough to cause a lot of destruction.

However, Alex had said that it was okay if I got as drunk as I wanted to get since it was just going to be him and I and that no one would be able to hurt me or do anything that was unnecessary.

We started off light, opening a bottle of wine and talking about what had happened in the last season, what he expected for this one, our relationship and the future.

Then we started to drink a lot more, I went for tequila and he started drinking Jack Daniels.
As the beverage went down my body and the effects of the alcohol started to kick in, I started to feel more light and like if I had no worries in life.

I noticed how my body urged to do dumb things, my self confidence was over the roof. I wanted to try and do a F1 like podium with the champagne.

I shakes a Moët bottle and it started spraying all over the room, I was laughing and so was Alex. It really was a lot of fun.

We kept drinking and messing around, until I got really hot and bothered, and all the thoughts that came to mind were related to how good looking Alex was and all the things that he could do to me.

We started making out and took things to our room. We fell asleep right after that went down and then the morning came in.

I woke up the next morning a lot later than normal. I was laying naked in my bed with a horrible headache since I was hungover. Alex seemed to be asleep still but then he woke up moments after I did.

I drank some water and ibuprofen from my nightstand. I felt like absolute shit and it was noticeable that so did Alex.

I got out of bed and headed to the living room. I stopped when I got there and noticed how much of a mess we had made last night. I didn't remember half of the things we had done but I was pretty sure almost everything had been my fault.

Alex came out of the room and also noticed what had happened and how I was laughing because I knew that this would happen.

He glared at me and I knew he wasn't happy about having to clean all this up. "To be fair, I did warn you about me making huge disasters while I'm drunk. And honestly it must've been fun because you didn't stop me." I said.

"I know and I'm not even mad this is all a mess but, I can't remember how all of this happens which is what makes me actually frustrated." Alex said.

"Honestly most of this had to be my fault, the broken bottles and alcoholic beverages on the ceiling are things I've done in the past all out of fun." I continued " They were things I would do when things got out of hand in college parties." I explained.

Alex found it amusing that I was capable of so much since I believe he had never seen me this drunk before. I had a lot of fun too but I also knew that it wasn't something that I should do often knowing how bad that could end.

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