Lando Norris - 209

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Hey guys!! I hope y'all are having a great week :) Keep requesting on this book and read my other stories! This was requested by LilyHeseltine123 I hope you enjoy it :)

Maybe we could start having children...

I had just woken up and a friend of mine had just called me to go to her house with my boyfriend Lando and have lunch there. Lando would always get excited to go there because my friend has a two year old son, who is also my godson and absolutely loves Lando.

I talked to him and he agreed to accompany me to have lunch with my friend and her boyfriend. We got ready and by midday we were walking out the door. Their house wasn't really far away so we got there really fast.

We knocked on the door to see my best friend on the other side. She greet us and let us in, when my godson saw us walk in he ran as fast as he could and hugged Lando's legs. My boyfriend picked him up and hugged him. "Uncle Lando! Hi!" The little boy said.

"Hi bud" Lando replied. I loved the relationship that my boyfriend had with my godson who I loved with my whole heart.

I went to the kitchen and helped my friend finish the lunch which consisted on panini's with beef, cheese, and lettuce, also some french fries to the side. Everything looked super good and I was starting to get really hungry so all we quickly set the table and put everything there.

We started eating and talking about everything and nothing and we had a lot of fun. The lunch went by pretty quickly and after we finished Lando went and played with the two year old.

They were super cute together, Lando was literally the sweetest with him and it just made me fall in love even more with him.

I was doing other things while Lando seem to be having loads of fun, all that could be heard around the house were the little boy's giggle and Lando's laugh.

I saw the boy yawn and follow up action, his mom picked him up and went and put him in for a nap. Lando walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"We're you having fun babe?" I asked Lando smiling.

"Oh I sure was, he's a really fun little boy to be around with and sometimes what he says random things I just laugh." He said smiling and I was guessing remembering what he had been doing for the past few hours.

"All I could think about when I looked at you playing with him, was how cute you looked while playing together. It literally was making my heart melt." I admitted.

"Are you suggesting that it would be cool to have our own ones?" He asked me.

I blushed a little "Yeah, maybe we could start having children, I would love to start a family with you if i'm being honest." I was pretty scared to express what was going on in my thoughts because I had no idea if Lando felt the same way.

I relaxed a little bit when I saw him smile "I would love that gorgeous, It would make me the happiest person to have kids with you." He told me as he hugged me.

I was so happy to see that my boyfriend was ready for that type of commitment because I wouldn't have thought of anybody else rather than him to start a family with.

We went back home and started dreaming about how life with our future kids would look like, we were both so excited to start this new chapter of our lives and I knew that it was going to be amazing with a man like Lando.

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