Lando Norris - 30

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This was requested by @Jolixoxo thanks for the request, and I hope you like it!

~I'm pregnant...~

Lando and I have been dating for about two years already, but we were both quite young. He was 21 and I was 20 years old.

We have a really healthy relationship, and I absolutely loved traveling around the world with him for all the races I could possibly attend, this because I was a really huge fan of Formula 1 myself. However, things can change very quickly.

I had been feeling super sick in the last few days, nausea every morning, there were foods that I couldn't even look at without almost throwing up. It was horrible.

Lando had left for the Russian Grand Prix and I was alone for the weekend. I called my best friend Alyssa so she could come over and maybe spend some time together.

Alyssa arrived at my apartment and we just watched netflix for a while. The moment we decided to eat and she brought food I felt like throwing up really bad. I fan to the bathroom and threw up, it really was the worst feeling ever. My friend came over to me after I was done and asked "How are you feeling?" "I feel horrible, and it has been going on for a few days. Lando didn't even want to leave me feeling like this." I replied. "Hold up a second, you've been feeling nauseous every morning and also sometimes with food?" She asked. "Yeah, it's been like that for the past few days." I said. She looked at me and said: "When was the last time you had your period?" Realization hit me like a bomb, I hadn't had my period in a long time... I was at least a week late. "I haven't had my period, and I'm pretty sure I'm at least a week late." I told her sincerely. Alyssa looked at me with wide eyes. "Have you thought about the possibility of you being pregnant?" She asked once again.

I hadn't thought of that, Lando and I were quite safe when it came to our sex life, however, there was always a possibility. I wanted to believe that it was just a simple sickness. How on earth was I going to take care of a child? And with Lando always on races, that really seemed impossible. I felt like crying and I didn't even know yet.

Alyssa was kind enough to go buy the pregnancy tests herself, mainly because I was an emotional mess at the moment. When she came back I took a deep breath and went to the bathroom to take it.

I had finally taken it, but I had to wait for a couple minutes for the results. I can assure that those 3 minutes were the longest of my life and also the most nerve wrecking. The results were finally in the stick... it had came out positive. I had no idea how to react, and the first question that came to my mind was; how am I telling Lando? and How will be react? I was really scared because we were both young and he had his whole career ahead of him. I knew that the right thing to do was to tell him and hope for the best. I had to tell him over facetime mainly since I couldn't really fly out to Sochi just to tell him.

I texted Lando to see if he was free to FaceTime which he replied to with a yes. I was super nervous and already shaking but I still called him. Shortly after he answered and his handsome face popped up on my screen. We greeted each other and talked normally for a little, once we didn't have much to talk about I gathered some courage and spoke up, to tell him the news.

"Lando, babe I need to tell you something and it's quite important" I said. "What's up darling?" He asked. I took a deep breath and said "Well you'll see I hadn't really been feeling great recently, and today I took a pregnancy test." I could see it in his face he was kind of shocked. "And is it positive?" He asked. "Yes" I replied, softly. Lando stayed quiet for a while, he was probably trying to digest what I had just told him. "Please said something" I said, and my voice broke a little, now more than ever I was scared for the sake of our relationship and my unborn child. "I'm just shocked, I know for a fact that I love you and that I will love our baby. It's just a lot to take in." He said. Was he going to breakup with me? "So, are we over?" I asked and tears were already visible in my eyes. Lando's expression softened. "I'm not breaking up with you y/n, it is indeed difficult to understand since we are both young, and my racing career doesn't help our situation. However, I promise that I will be here for you in every step of the way because, I love you with my whole heart" He replied.

My heart melted at his words and I was glad that he had reacted the way he did, because, I really don't know what I would do or have done without him. He really is an amazing boyfriend.

We kept talking over FaceTime for a while, Lando couldn't stop rambling about the baby. It was clear that he was going to be a good father, and that even when the news was hard to digest at first he was very happy now. It just made me smile.

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