Mick Schumacher - 66

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It's a new year everyone, cheers to a better one:)
keep requesting!! I love writing for y'all. This was a request made by WHIFF99

Please don't break my heart...

It's always been hard for me to commit into relationships because I'm scared of getting heart broken or also, taken advantage of. My friend Mick and I have always been very close and he has seen me get heart broken by many guys.

He was probably the only guy that I trusted in the world. I knew he would never hurt me, but there was something that I didn't know or well I didn't want to admit, and I knew that it would probably change our whole friendship forever.

He had helped me through so much, which only made me fall for him. I obviously was going to keep my feelings a secret because I didn't want him to know how I felt in fear of rejection and also of ruining our great friendship. I loved Mick Schumacher, the future of Formula One. The media obviously wouldn't react well if I was one of the wags, I'm no model or pretty face like all of the others.

I knew that I could probably be confusing my love for Mick with the feeling of being cared for, or feeling safe.

I got cut off my thoughts by Mick's voice. "Y/n is everything okay?" He asked. "Yeah, everything's alright don't worry about it Mick" I said, reassuringly. "You were literally gone, you were like in your own world for a minute" He said. "Everything is fine, I was just thinking a little" I said, and smiled softly. "You know you can always tell me what's on your mind sweetheart" He said trying to make me speak about what's on my mind. I knew I couldn't tell him about my real thoughts. "I'm just a bit stressed over school, it's nothing." I said trying to seem as truthful as possible. Mick was great at reading my facial expressions mainly because, he knew almost everything about me. "You're lying" He affirmed. "How would you know, you can't read minds? Can you?" I asked, defensive. "I can't but I know you, I can see when something is bothering you" He said then grabbed a piece of my hair and put it behind my ear. Was he flirting with me? Why was he acting this way? I hated the idea of him doing this, messing with my emotions.

I looked up and he just kept staring at me. "Why do you want to know, it doesn't even matter!" I exclaimed. "If it doesn't matter then just tell me, you know I only want to be here for you" Mick replied softly. "I'm just scared to tell you, because all my thoughts have to do with you Mick." I confessed. "What do you mean that all your thoughts are about me?" He asked, puzzled. "I- I just don't even know anymore." I stuttered. "Just tell me, you know you can trust me with anything. I promise nothing will ever change our friendship." He promised. I knew he didn't really mean that because what I was about to confess could make it weird between us, or even if he felt the same way, which I highly doubted it could cause our friendship to end if we broke up.

I was still quite hesitant about what I was going to say. "It could change our friendship, and even how we see each other which is one of the main reasons why I'm scared." I told him. "As I said before, nothing will change that, and if it does we will figure it out okay?" His words sounded like promises, but were those promises just words or did he actually mean that? I sighed and tried to gain a little courage. "I like you okay? And I have no idea if you feel the same way which just makes me anxious." I admitted. Mick looked quite shocked, he had not said a word which just made me more anxious than before. I had just confessed my feelings to my best friend and it seemed like he didn't feel the same way. "You know what, just forget it. I can see you don't feel the same and it's okay." I said and turned around to leave and probably cry myself to sleep in the middle of the day.

However, that didn't happen because right as I turned around a hand grabbed my wrist and spun me back to the position I had been on moments ago. "Stay, I actually wanted to tell you something." He said, I saw Mick breath deeply and then spoke again "I actually like you too, I was quite shocked by your words I really don't want you to leave." I was a loss of words, I could either stay and be with him or go. I was in a mental debate with myself because I knew that in both of them I would end up hurt.

"You know that I really care about you but I'm scared Mick. I don't want to get hurt again." I told him, with a worried look on my face. "Y/n, you know I'm not like other guys and I'll always care for you." He tried to reassure me. "I know, and thank you for that really but it's just scary, how can I know that over time you won't become like all of the others. I don't want to lose what we have." I confessed. "I know, and we won't, don't worry about just be with me" He said. I really needed to think it through but at the same time I really liked him and either ways something will go wrong. "Okay, but please don't break my heart, I don't think I could handle that." I admitted, he knew it too. I always made it through heart breaks because he was there always by my side, but if it was him doing it I wouldn't have anyone. "I won't ever break your heart" He promised.

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