Lance Stroll - 198, 200

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To clarify, I promise I got all requests written down and the time that they were made will always be taken into consideration :) Please be patient I will eventually post everything. I got over 50 requests to write and I still have a life so it's impossible for me to just post everything since I still want my writing to be good. I hope y'all can understand this :) Remember to keep requesting and check out my other story! This was a request made by LilyHeseltine123  I hope you like it :)

What are we?...
Come to bed... I don't want to sleep alone...

Being in love with your brother's best friend might not be the move, mostly when you know how badly that can end. Lance and I have been kind of something for a little, our relationship isn't really labeled so my brother had no idea that Lance and I were something.

We were alone in my apartment watching a movie in the living room, I started to think about how we're doing and everything that had been going on in the past few months.

Lance and I were starting to get a little bit more serious or so I thought but I wasn't really sure if he thought the same or if we were actually going somewhere with this relationship. And don't get me wrong, I really like Lance but I have no idea if like this relationship will be just a waste of time which I wish it isn't.

I decided to ask him about it because it was something that I really couldn't stop thinking about. "Lance, I need to ask you something." I said as I placed my hand on his lap softly and moved away from him a little.

"What's up darling? Is everything alright?" He asked.

"I- I wanted to ask you what are we?" I asked nervously.

He looked at me, and smiled softly. "What do you want us to be?" He asked me back.

"I have no idea what I want us to be, I don't know where this is headed. I like you a lot but you're still my brothers best friend and I have no idea what your intentions really are." I expressed.

"Well I mean, I like you a lot too gorgeous and I believe that you're an amazing girl and I can tell you I want us to be more than just friends or friends with benefits." He told me.

"Do you really mean that? I want that too if I'm being completely honest." I said while smiling.

"I really mean it, when I say I really like you I really do mean it." He said as he kissed my cheek softly.

I blushed at the small but affective gesture and moved closer to him. "Well since I think we left that pretty clear. y/n do you want to be my girlfriend?" He asked me.

That question brightened up my whole world. "I would love to be your girlfriend Lance." I said agreeing.

It made me super happy to know that the guy I liked felt the same way about me, it really was something amazing.

The night came by quickly and my brother came back to our shared apartment in the night time. He knew Lance was going to be over so he didn't suspect anything about our now official relationship.

It was around 2am when my brother finally decided to go to sleep. I was extremely tired but also wanted to spend more alone time with Lance since I knew it was going to be hard to hide our relationship while our brother was around.

We were cuddling in the couch now that my brother was gone. "y/n, babe I'm really tired I'm just going to go to bed now." Lance told me.

"Okay, I'll probably stay awake a few more minutes I've got some things to do. Good night." I said to Lance.

"Nooo, come to bed with me, I don't want to sleep alone." Lance said.

I giggled at his child like behavior. "You know we can't go to bed together because my brother might see us in bed together in the morning." I said a bit worried.

"Y/n don't be like that! He won't figure it out I promise... please come to bed with me, I want to cuddle with you." He said.

He was being the cutest ever and I obviously didn't resist for much longer. We headed to the guest bedroom in my apartment. Lance took a quick shower before laying down.

I was already laying in the bed finishing to check some pending emails from work when I saw Lance take my laptop away from me and placed it on the bedside table.

I sighed and put the covers over my body. Lance's arms wrapped around me and he pulled me closer. We cuddled for a little longer until we fell asleep in the bed together.

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