Max Verstappen ~ Always You

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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! I hope y'all have a lovely day with the people y'all love the most.

Being in a relationship with a famous person has always been a struggle in movies and from what you see on social media, but what is it really like from a personal point of view?

Well I'm y/n and I'm Max Verstappen's girlfriend. There have always been struggles of having the media think horrible things about yourself, and how you're not good enough for your partner. That's a struggle I really have to go through everyday. However, today was much worse than normal.

I'm used to seeing on the news that I might not be the best fit for Max. But honestly today it was just because of something I had never experienced. The media had found pictures of Max with another girl. If I'm being honest, I was heart broken. I had no idea if these were recent pictures, or old ones. I couldn't ask my boyfriend because he was on practice, in Baku.

A lot of pictures were all over my instagram feed, and twitter timeline. I just wanted to cry myself to sleep, what if it was true? could he be cheating on me? I decided to turn my phone off and go to sleep for a little, this to forget everything that has been going on social media.

A few hours later I woke up with 30+ missed calls from Max and a lot of messages, also a lot of others from my close friends. I decided to ignore Max's messages and calls for a bit longer mostly because I was still mad, and speaking out of all honesty I wasn't ready to find out the truth. I called my best friend back, I had no idea what she needed so I called her. She was surprisingly happy and somewhat relieved to hear me on the phone. She asked me what was wrong, and kind of scolded me for not replying to her texts and calls. I apologized and explained to her what had happened and everything I had seen all over social media which caused me to breakdown crying. She tried to calm me down, but failed miserably since I knew the only person who could help was him, and at the same time I just didn't want to face him. My friend told me that he had reached out to her worried sick because I wasn't replying but he probably hadn't seen all the news on social media.

I hung up my call with my good friend and 3 seconds later I get a call from Max once again, however, this time I decided to answer. "Y/N! why were you not answering my calls?" He asked, and seemed genuinely worried about me. "I just didn't want to talk to you." I said as cold as I could speak without crying. "Why? What happened? I didn't do anything! I have been on practice all morning, which by the way went horribly." He said, and I did feel bad for him since I hated when something went wrong in his practices, it just made him go harder on himself all weekend long. I decided to tell him what I had seen though. "Have you really not checked your social media?! All my timeline and feed is you kissing some other girl!" I exclaimed, and tried to refrain myself from crying. "y/n" his voice softened "do you really think that I'm cheating on you?" He asked, keeping calm. "Am I supposed to think that?" I replied. I heard him sigh on the other side of the line and he spoke up again. "I asked first, please answer and then I'll explain." "I don't know what to believe, I'm scared to think because... maybe you did, but there's another side of me that trusts you and thinks it's all about the media. I'm just so scared you will break me like others have done in the past." I replied honestly. "y/n, please listen to me and then decide what to believe... though I'm telling you I'm speaking out with the truth. It's up to you what you believe of me or not... I would never cheat on you, I love you more than I've ever loved anyone before." I cut him off and asked "Then who is she Max?" "She was someone from my past darling, you need to trust me. I don't know why those pictures resurfaced. I would never try to hurt you on purpose. I love you too much to do something like that." He said, pouring his emotions out for me. My heart literally melted. "So there's nothing to worry about?" I asked one last time for complete reassurance. "No my love, it's only you and it will be always you" He said. We kept talking for a while longer, and I tried to cheer him up after his practice session. Also he just couldn't stop saying how much he loved me which only made my day even better. I was so lucky to have someone like Max in my life.

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