Frederik Vesti - 25

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Hey everyone! I hope y'all like this, and also please be patient with the requests on my new prompt list. The updates will be done as the comments were posted. Also, remember to keep requesting!! This was requested by jade2506 I really hope you like it!

NSFW warning! Please don't read ahead if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content

I love the sound of my name coming from your lips...

I loved the idea of spending a whole weekend with my boyfriend because he didn't race. We had decided that the best idea was to go out for the weekend, maybe rent a hotel room by the beach.

We had decided that the best thing was that, we could relax together and just make the most out of the time we had together. Frederik was often busy which I absolutely hated, we had managed to deal with long-distance together. We were on our way out to the hotel and were very close to the shore. I took some pictures in the car with the sea in the background and they turned out so pretty.

After that, we checked into the hotel room and unpacked our stuff. Frederik then suggested that we could go out for dinner and maybe go to the beach and have some fun for the night.

I started getting ready; I wore a white dress that hugged all of my curves in the right places making me look amazing and I was also wearing some high heels that matched the dress perfectly, my make up was lightly done since I wanted to pull a natural look.

Frederik was stunned when he saw me and showered me with compliments that made me blush intensely. He grabbed my hand and guided me to this fancy restaurant by the beach. The views were absolutely breathtaking and everything was going perfectly.

We joked and talked through all the dinner, and once we were finished he paid for our meals and we headed down to the shore. I took my heels off to prevent myself from falling, getting stuck on the sand, and also just because I was a lot more comfortable barefoot.

We walked for a while, and Frederik kept making cheeky comments about how lovely I looked tonight. I stopped walking and pulled his arm for him to stop too. I smiled "You know you've been telling me all night that you love how I look and that's super nice, you really know how to make me feel special." I told him

He smiled back at me. "You know that this is all because I love you so much. You're also an amazing woman." He said. My lovely boyfriend always knew what to say. I kissed him softly. 

The kiss was filled with passion, love, and affection. I wrapped my arms around his neck and started running my hands through his hair. His arms snaked around my waist, and slowly made their way down to my butt. It slowly started intensifying, our make out was hot. 

I pulled away right after that, it was going to be something that we couldn't do on the beach mostly because there were lots of paparazzi we could get caught by at any moment. I guided Frederik back to our room, and for some reason, I was excited to have him make love to me. 

Our clothes came off really quickly, first Frederik took my shirt off. He kissed down my jaw, to my neck, and my breasts; love bites were left all over which would end up bruising the next morning. Soft moans left my mouth, which only seemed to give Frederik more encouragement to keep going. As my bra came off, I felt my arousal growing, my panties were getting extremely wrt by the second. His shirt was off and I started running my hands down from his shoulders down to his defined abs. His muscles flexed as he moved his arms down my body making him look a hundred times hotter.  

Then I took his trunks off and his very erected cock sprung free. I was feeling very needy and all I wanted was him inside me. I kissed him once again and while he did that he took my underwear off. His finger brushed over my sex and I moaned his name softly. "I love the sound of my name coming from your mouth gorgeous." He whispered right in my ear. It was one of the hottest things I had ever heard and it only made me feel even, hot, and bothered. 

"Please babe, just make love to me, make me feel good." As I said that, I wrapped my hand around his hard erection and stroked it softly, he groaned in my ear. Immediately after, Frederik laid me down on the bed and kissed my neck once again. He aligned himself with my entrance and started thrusting into me, then he proceeded to go in and out of me in a soft rhythm that only made me want him even more. 

As he kept going in and out, his pace started to speed up by the seconds. I moaned his name, he groaned profanities and I felt myself getting closer to my release. I felt that familiar feeling in my lower abdomen which just made me even more desperate. "Sweetheart just relax and when you're totally ready you will let go." He said softly and reassuringly in my ear. 

His hand travelled down my abdomen to my clit, and put a little pressure on it. As he rubbed my sex in small circles I felt myself letting go and all the pleasure overcame me, I reached my orgasm and it was one of the best I'd had in my life. I was panting as Frederik kept thrusting into me, and he reached his orgasm too, he released right into his condom and then laid down beside me. 

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me softly. He was always so caring after we had had sex, he pulled me closer and also kissed my temple. I also kissed him softly. We laid there calmly and we watched movies for hours, I laid there in his chest and afterward fell asleep. 

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