Lando Norris - Tolerate It

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Hola Amigos! Once again I wanted to say thank you for 10K reads on this story. Keep requesting and remember to check out my other story.

Disclaimer: This One Shot is so random and all over the place! It wasn't on my request list but it was for my own entertainment to write this :)

How can you love someone so much that you can't move on, but seeing him with somebody else after just a month of something so special doesn't make moving on any easier.

There he was walking around the paddock with his arm wrapped around that fake blonde's waist. I hated to see Lando with someone new after he had promised that we were forever, a promise that had been clearly broken.

She had taken my place but in one of the fakest ways ever, she was just another model that wanted to get clout off him and didn't want him for real.

I wanted to confront him, to tell him how much of a liar he had been. I wanted to stop hurting because of him and just expose him for breaking up with me without actually telling me the real reason.

Even after all the pain I still wanted him back, I wanted to be back with the guy who had emotionally hurt me just because I knew that he was the only thing giving me mental stability.

They both saw me, I had no idea what to do I frozen. The girl rolled her eyes at me and Lando saw me with pity.

Honestly I had no idea why I was still working at McLaren if I knew that I was just causing myself more pain that I was supposed to be feeling.

I went to Zack's office I had decided to leave the team for good even when it was my dream job. I saw that there was someone inside his office so I knocked on the door and was allowed in. Lando was there talking to Zack and I didn't know how to react.

"Y/n is everything okay?" Zack asked.

"Uhm, I- I came here to say that I wanted to resign, I can't keep working here anymore." I explained.

Lando looked at me like if I was out of my mind, which in reality I probably was. "Can you explain why is this sudden decision being made? We really need you in the team and you're apart of the McLaren family." He stated.

I really didn't want to tell him the truth but I also knew that having Lando here might make me feel a little bit better to confront him about what had happened. "Since Lando and I broke up it has been impossible for me to work properly. He's always bringing other girls over probably to try and make me feel jealous which I find to be extremely petty and childish. I can't keep on working in a team that supports a person that finds it right to just disturb others workspace because of things that happened in the past. I was willing to move on but I can't seem to do so seeing the actions that my fellow co-worker has been doing." I expressed with concerned.

"Are you being serious right now y/n? You're out of your mind! It's ridiculous of you to say that everything about our breakup is because of me! I didn't have responsibility for what happened, and Diana has nothing to do with this!" Lando said getting defensive.

"Lando calm down please, if Ms. y/l/n has every right to resign because of your fault." Zack states "At the end of the day her job has no direct relation to yours and we support her." Zack kept emphasizing.

"She should just learn to tolerate the fact that I moved on quickly, it's ridiculous to see that she's just leaving because of something like that!." Lando exclaimed.

"Lando please respect Ms. y/l/n decisions. At the end of the day it's all up to her and if she doesn't feel comfortable here anymore we shall support whatever she decides. However Ms. y/l/n, I would suggest you think this twice." Zack stated remaining impartial.

"You have no idea what I've been through, my mental health is so fucked up and all because of you. And you always preach on good mental health but come and tell me this? You're unbelievable Lando." I said really annoyed.

He stayed silent, which annoyed me even more because he could be saying sorry. "Just tolerate it y/n" he said once again.

I knew he was right but really had no idea how to manage my own emotions and just wanted to leave. I really was tempted to leave McLaren once again but this was after all my dream job.

I sighed and told Zack that I'd be back with an answer later I really needed to cool my mind because I was going to act out of an impulse. He never said sorry, and I knew I had lost him which was what hurt the most.

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