Frederik Vesti - 30

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Hey guys! Am I the only one who gets inspired to write at night? 33 more chapters to finish this one shot book :) This was a request made by LilyHeseltine123  I hope you love it <3

For a while Frederik and I had been thinking about starting a family, however, we were in no rush to do so.

This morning I hadn't been feeling well so I decided to take a pregnancy test and find out if it had finally happening. I was really excited to see if it came out positive and knew that I was going to end up being super disappointed if it came out negative.

The wait felt eternal but the test had finally come out positive and I was really shocked even when it was news I wanted to see.

"I'm pregnant" I mumbled under my breath still trying to process the fact that right on this moment there was a small human growing inside my body. It was incredible to think that it was actually happening, even unbelievable to a certain extent.

Fred wasn't home at the moment and I wanted to make the announcement something special for him. I looked through pinterest to see if I could find some cute ideas to let him know the huge news that had come our way.

After I had finally decided into a specific idea I went to the store and bought the necessary supplies to make the surprise happen. My idea was based on: buying a baby onesie that said "My dad is a future Formula 1 World Champion" I knew it would be really cute. I also bought a box and some decorative paper to put inside of the box, as well as the pregnancy test that I had taken not too long ago.

I was really nervous about Fred's reaction. I got everything set up in the living room so the first thing he would notice was the box sitting there and waiting for him to open it.

An hour later Frederik was finally home which meant that the news would be revealed very soon. "Honey, I'm home!" He shouted as I heard him leave all his stuff down.

"Y/n" he called "what's with this box here in the living room?" He asked.

I walked from our room out to the living room and smiled at him. "It's for you, so open it." I suggested.

"Oh, alright." He said and proceeded to open the box. He removed the paper that was on top of the gifts and finally pulled out the small piece of clothing.

He read the message on it and looked at me with a hopeful expression on his eyes. "Is this really what I'm thinking that it is?" He asked me.

I pulled out the white and blue pregnancy test from the box and showed the positive sign to him. "Are you being serious right now, are we really having a baby?" He said with excitement clear in his voice.

"I really would never joke about something like this, we really are having a baby." I reassured.

"Wait that's amazing and I'm so happy. I literally can't wait to have a mini me or mini you running around the apartment." He expressed enthusiastically.

"I'm super happy if you're happy, and I bet our little baby will be as talented as his/her dad on the race track." I said as I placed my hand on my almost unnoticeable bump.

Frederik smiled softly at me. "This is honestly the best news to come home to. and I'm so happy for this." He said.

He leaned in and kissed me softly, his arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me closer to him being very conscious about somehow hurting the small baby now growing inside me.

The thought only made me smile even more. I really couldn't wait to see how much of an amazing father Frederik was going to be. I was certain that he would spoil the kid to death and also would always be there for them.

I couldn't wait to see him teaching our kids how to kart or just anything about the motorsport world. All of my thoughts made me smile and reassured me that having a baby with him was going to be one of the best decisions ever.

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