Pierre Gasly - First Time

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We're coming closer to the end of book one and I believe that I could take 2 more requests so comment here 2 more requests for this book if you're reading and I will do them. If you're after the second don't worry because I will be doing a lot of requests for book 2! This was a request made by WHIFF99 I hope you enjoy it <3

WARNING: NSFW, if you don't feel comfortable with this type of content don't read ahead!

Your first time doing anything must be something to remember, and even more when it's something you're giving to someone. Losing my virginity was something that I was very insecure about because I thought that it was important to think about who you were doing it for the first time with.

I was finally in a stable relationship with a guy that I really loved and that seemed to care a lot for me. He was the sweetest and would never rush me to do something I didn't feel comfortable doing. His name is Pierre and I really couldn't wish for someone better to be with.

I had been thinking about losing my virginity to him but I was still uncertain on whether I really was ready to do something like that. Pierre knew that I had never had sex with anyone so, I was skeptical about going further than a small make out session. He was okay with this and promised that he would wait until I was ready and that he would make it as special as possible for me and a night to remember.

I really didn't want it to be about a lavish dinner but a night that I enjoyed and knew that I trusted the guy I was losing it to. With all these thoughts in my head I finally realized that I was indeed with the guy I wanted to lose it with.

I really had no idea how I would make things work, should I just tell Pierre that I want to do it with him? How do you come up with that conversation over dinner? Am I just supposed to make out with him and somehow get him turned on? How do you even get a guy turned on? I was nervous and overthinking this whole situation a lot more than I probably should.

Pierre and I were watching Netflix while cuddling, I started to give him kisses on the cheek and jaw but just as a sweet and innocent gesture of pure love and affection.

He fixed his pants slightly, but I didn't think much of it and kept doing things like that every now and then without a clue of the possible feeling of Pierre and him not seeing it as something too innocent.

Once I was leaning in for another kiss Pierre moved his head which resulted in a kiss on the lips. I melted into his arms because of how much I loved the feeling of his soft lips on mine.

I deepened the kiss and straddled him, this probably took Pierre by surprise because it really wasn't something I would do often or like ever. He groaned really low and I felt something twitch beneath me. I had never felt this excited to do something, but I really didn't know what I was doing either.

Pierre kinda took the lead on our make out session as he bit my lower lip softly and let his tongue slide into my mouth increasing the pleasure running through my body.

Things were starting to get a lot more heated to the point were I was pretty sure that what was poking me was Pierre's erection.

I didn't know why but Pierre pulled away panting and looked at me. "I think that's enough if you're not ready to do more since I don't think I could have more self control. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or anything in those terms." Pierre mentioned truthfully.

"I really want to do it Pierre, I want to lose my v-card with you." I expressed.

"Are you sure about this? You know I won't rush you into doing anything." Pierre reassured.

"I really really want to." I said confidently.

"I'm telling you, its going to hurt at first but I will be here reassuring you that everything will be fine and leading you through everything." Pierre promised.

I nodded and kissed him once again this time I tried to take the lead. It didn't take Pierre long to get on top of me so he was in a more dominant position. He kissed down my jaw and undressed me, looking into my eyes while he did this probably trying to see if I was really comfortable with all of his moves.

He gave my breasts a lot of attention as he sucked, bit and pulled my nipples making them become hard and having me moaning in pleasure with indirect stimulation.

Once we were naked Pierre looked at me again trying to see if we needed to stop but I really wanted to do this. He explained that he was going to insert his fingers into me to stretch me out and try to make my first time hurt less than if he just went with the actual penetration.

One finger was in and I felt a bit of pain but Pierre soothed me through it all, soon enough I was enjoying his fingers so much that I even came for the first time.

I was panting but that didn't stop Pierre from putting a condom on and guiding his erection to my sex, which only meant that we were going to actually do this. I was slightly nervous but I somehow was thrilled to finally do something like this mostly since Pierre had been explaining how this would work and reassuring that everything would eventually be all about my pleasure.

"Ready?" Pierre asked.

I nodded, and with that motion of consent Pierre started to slide his member inside of me. All I could feel was myself stretching and a lot of pain, no pleasure. I wanted to scream it really hurt.

"Breath through it, I'm almost all the way in and I promised that is already a lot, you're doing amazing mon amour." Pierre said.

After a few thrusts I started to feel pleasure and oh god it really felt amazing. Pierre kept repeatedly making sure I wasn't in too much pain since I had bled a bit but nothing to worry about.

I felt my second orgasm building up and it felt like it was coming even stronger than the first one. "Let go darling, I'm also almost there." As he said that I came and felt him twitch inside of me.

Pierre came right after me and collapsed besides me panting. He pulled me closer to him and I laid my head on his chest. "You did amazing darling, I promise after this time it won't hurt as much." He promised making me feel a lot better.

"Thank you for making sure that I was feeling fine through the whole experience." I said gratefully.

"Don't worry about it, I wanted to make you feel good but also make sure I wasn't hurting you too much." Pierre commented.

I drifted off to sleep not long after because of how tired I had finished but I was sure that it had been worth it:

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