Lance Stroll - 196, 197

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Hey everyone!! Again sorry for the delay on requests but i've been super busy! Please keep requesting on this story and check out my others! This was requested by I hope you LilyHeseltine123 like it :)

Warning: Mention of blood, Angst Prompt and death... don't read ahead if you don't feel comfortable with these type of content

Are you bleeding?...
That crash could've killed you!...

Racing is one of my passions, and as a Formula 2 driver speed and adrenaline makes it 10 times better. It was the Spanish Grand Prix and I was P3 on the race, I wanted to overtake the driver in front of me. I made a move on him but as I was half way through passing them, they closed off the space and because of the speed of the turn I was shoved directly to a wall with so much force.

I hit my head pretty hard and went unconscious for a few seconds. I heard my team calling me through the radio but I couldn't move, every single muscle of my body was in extreme pain.

A marshal came over to me and saw that I was awake. The medical team came over and helped me out of the car, I could move it was just too hard to get out of the car when my body was in pain.

I got a check up and got cleared out, there were a few cuts in my body and I was bleeding a little. There were no major injuries and I was out of the race already so I just was told to go rest and wait for the race to finish. I went to my team garage and my boyfriend Lance was sitting in a chair with his hands on his face probably worried about me.

The team started asking me if I was fine and Lance looked up. He saw me and relief filled his eyes, he walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me carefully. "I was so scared, you weren't replying nor coming out of the car." Lance said worriedly

"I'm fine, just a little bit sore but nothing major don't worry about it babe." I reassured him.

He looked at me and saw that I was bleeding through some of my cuts. "y/n are you bleeding?" He asked.

"It's just some small cuts, the medics said I'm fine don't worry about it." I told him.

"Y/n. how can I not worry? Are you being serious right now? that crash could've killed you!" Lance exclaimed.

"Don't worry so much about it! I'm fine now, nothing happened it was just a crash but I'm fine!" I exclaimed trying to make him calm down which obviously wasn't helping at all.

"Y/n listen to yourself! It wasn't just a crash! You went unconscious for a moment and couldn't even get out of the car on your own, you could've gotten yourself killed just because of a stupid overtake and the person closing the space for you to pass." My boyfriend said furious.

"Lance calm down! I'm fine, everything will be okay no need to get mad at anyone." I said to him.

He really was mad and I knew that to a certain extent he had the right to be mad but if he acted out of an impulse something could end up going very wrong.

I wrapped my arms around him, but winced softly I still felt a bit sore because of the impact. Lance moved away "Are you really okay? do you need me to take you to the hospital and maybe get you checked up again?" Lance asked me.

"It's okay, I'm a little bit sore but the medial team said that I just needed to rest. Maybe let's go to my drivers room and just stay there." I suggested.

He did as I said and guided me to my drivers room. I sat down on the couch and inhaled deeply. Lance and I stayed there until the race finished and he was a lot calmer and I felt a lot better.

Some of the other drivers came over to my team's garage and asked how I was doing. The day ended up being pretty boring aside of the accident.

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