Max Fewtrell - 3, 33

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Hola Amigos!! I hope y'all are having a good week :)
This was a request by @why-are-you-here- I really hope you enjoy it :)

We're never getting back together...
Please don't go...

I never thought that someone that I love so much could do something so horrible to you. You would think that they love you as much as you do, but it's not always that way which just makes it more heartbreaking.

What I mean by this is that; I just got cheated on by my now ex-boyfriend Max Fewtrell. It was probably one of the worst feelings in the world.

I would say that I remembered that day like it was yesterday, because it really was and I was still very much heartbroken: I walked into our shared apartment and left my keys on the table that was right by the door. I called for Max but he didn't seem to be around, as I walk further into the apartment I see his clothes scattered on the floor. I was very confused by this because, why would my boyfriend just randomly leave his clothes out here.

I was looking for him, but I heard a sound that anyone would recognize from miles away... a girl moaning, and not only that but my boyfriend's name. The noises were coming from our room, and I was hesitant on whether I should open the door because I knew that what I could come to see would break my heart. I somehow found some courage and opened the door, and I indeed saw one of the sights that I wouldn't wish for anyone to see in a relationship. There he was, my boyfriend getting off a random girl in our bed. They were both drenched in sweat and panting. I was very shock even though I kind of expected to see what was right in front of me.

I really couldn't find my voice, and all I could say was "What the fuck Max?!" He looked over and saw me, his eyes rapidly filled with guilt. "Y/n, baby I swear it's not what it looks like" He said getting off the bed quickly and putting some pants on. The girl was just laying there, in my side of the bed. I was in the verge of tears however, I was trying not to cry because he didn't deserve to see me shed a tear for him. I somehow got some confidence "Well to me it looks like you just had the best sex of your life in OUR bed." I said, very mad. He looked down but slowly walked towards me. "Yes, we were having sex but, it meant nothing I swear! I love you." He said trying to make his actions forgivable or that's what I guessed. "No Max, you don't love me and I'm starting to believe you never did. Tell that whore to leave, we need to talk." I said, coldly. He proceeded to tell the girl to leave and she did as he told him to. "Y/n I'm sorry, I know what I did was wrong but I still love you." He tried to grab my hand but I moved away from him. "I don't, and you know what we're not together anymore, okay? This relationship is over." I said seriously. "No y/n, please don't go, it won't happen again I promise." "I know it won't happen again, because we're never getting back together." Just after I finished that sentence, I turned around and walked out of the apartment that I once called home.

I got to my car, and then started crying, even when I had seemed to be pretty calm while fighting with Max, I was heartbroken inside. I drove around the suburbs to try and calm myself down, the next day I would have to worry about looking for my new apartment. But for now, I would cry, and eat ice cream until I fell asleep.

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