120. Billie Joe Armstrong

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*A/n* - Trigger Warning - Some people may find this imagine upsetting 


"Something's not right." You muttered, placing your son to the ground. Once you knew that he was safe on the floor, you quickly raised your hand to your stomach. Your mother-in-law, Ollie, rushed to your side and placed her hand on your back. "What's going on?" She asked, worriedly.

"I don't know." You admitted, taking a deep breath as you felt another sharp pain shoot through your body. "There's something wrong with the baby, I shouldn't be feeling pains like this, this early n my pregnancy." Before Ollie could respond, Billie walked through the door. "Hey." He said, smiling as he walked towards You and Ollie. "Oh god." You said, grabbing your stomach once more. "Billie, I think we need to go to the hospital. There's something wrong with the baby."

"Of course." He said, holding onto your hand. "Mom, will you watch (S/n) for us?"

"Certainly." She said, nervously. "Hurry and get her to the hospital." She added as she watched you get into Billie's care and drive away. When you arrived, the two of you were growing more worried by the minute. "Help," Billie begged. "It's our baby." After a number of tests being carried out and hours of waiting, you were finally called into the doctor's office. "We have clearly identified the cause of the pains that you were experiencing."

"Is the baby okay?" You asked, gripping tightly to Billie's hand. You prayed for good news. "Please tell us that our baby is going to be okay.

"I am so sorry Mr and Mrs Armstrong, but I am afraid that you have suffered a miscarriage." Together you and Billie broke down in tears.

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