46. Tré Cool

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"Tré! I need your help!" I said, as he let me into his house, tears streaming down my face. 

"Hey! What's up?" He asked worriedly, allowing me to sit down. Tré was your boyfriend and he had been for the past two years. 

"It's my mum!" I sobbed into his shoulder. "She's divorcing my dad and she wants me to chose who I live with." I cried even harder. It was a massive shock to find out my parents had decided to go their separate ways. I knew they had been arguing but I didn't see this coming; not at all. 

"Hey, it's okay babe." He rubbed my back and kissed my head. "It's all going to be okay." When he said this, I knew everything was okay. He'd never let anything bad happen. 

He wiped away my tears and kissed me. "If you need to stay for a while, we have a spare room and Billie won't mind." He shared with Billie as his parents allowed him to move out, the same couldn't be said for mine.

"I don't know what to do." I said, honestly. 

"Why don't you sleep on it and see how you feel in the morning." 

I nodded. "Okay." I smiled as he led me upstairs and gave me one of his t-shirts before lying with me. 

(Sorry this is short - Longer ones on the way!) 

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