78. Tré Cool

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(Y/n) smiled and ran towards the front door, like a child running towards a Christmas tree on Christmas Day, as she heard a car pull into the driveway of the house that she shared with her husband, Tré. He had been touring for the past few months, with his best friends, Billie and Mike, as he was the drummer in their band; Green Day.  (Y/n) had spent most of the tour with Tré and the guys but had to come back home during the final week for work. She worked in the music industry as well. 

Tonight, she was finally going to see Tré and she was beyond excited. She heard the keys fumbling in the door just moments after hearing the car door slam shut, followed by footsteps from a person that was being weighed down by suitcases. When the front door opened, Tré shouted. "Baby, I'm here!" and before he could even close the front door, he threw his suitcases down and held (Y/n) in his arms as she ran towards him.

"Babe! I've missed you so much." (Y/n) told him through a laugh as he planted kisses all over her. "I've missed you too." He smiled.

"It's only been a week." (Y/n) marvelled. "It feels like so much longer."    

"Tell me about it." Tré said, shaking his head but somehow managing to keep his bright blue hair in the same place. "I have needs, (Y/n). Needs, that have been left unseen to for a week!"

(Y/n) grabbed his hand a lead him upstairs; "I'll see to that."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ________________________

*A/n* - Sorry that this was so short but hopefully it was sweet! Longer ones coming soon.  Also, shall I do the part 2 to this bit? With the smut? Let me know 👇

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