70. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n* - This was requested by HikariNoShizuku

This is Part Two of Two

Hope you enjoy


(Y/n) opened the front door to see Billie stood there. He looked at her as he stood on the steps outside of her house and smiled. "Wow." He said, sorting out his hair. "You looking amazing." (Y/n) blushed and tried to hide it with her hair. "You don't look so bad yourself." She told him as he held out his hand. She took it and he guided her down the steps before they linked their arms and walked down the street. 

(Y/n) still couldn't quite believe that this was happening and part of her believed that she was part of some joke and that Billie's friends were going to jump out at her at any moment. She looked around consciously. "Is everything okay?" He asked, looking to see what she was looking at. "Yeah. Honestly, I just feel like I'm part of some practical joke and I'm looking to see where your friends are going to jump out." 

Billie stood her in her tracks and placed his hands gently on her shoulder. "Why is it so hard to believe that I want to go out with you?" He asked, before moving a strand of hair from her face and gazing into her eyes. "I've told you, Billie. You are you and I am me." She explained. "You are the popular bad boy that all everyone wants to date and I'm the weird freak that no-one likes."

"I like you." He told her. "I really like you."

"And I like you, but what if this became something more than this? What would people say?" She asked. "What does it matter?" Billie replied. "(Y/n), I want to be with you. No-one else, so therefore, their opinions are neither wanted nor valid." He leaned in and kissed her. When he pulled away, he asked: "Do you believe me now?" 

"Yes." (Y/n) said, breathless as she grabbed his hand and they walked to dinner together. At the end of the night, when Billie walked her home, they stopped on the steps together and Billie kissed her again. "(Y/n)?" He asked as he looked at her and held her in his arms. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, his eyes were filled with hope. 

"Yes." She replied as she leaned in and kissed him again. 

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