88. Billie Joe Armstrong

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"Have you got everything?" You asked him as he stood by the front door, surrounded by suitcases, guitars, and more. "I think so." He said, scratching his head and looking at the mess around him. "Oh no." I haven't." He said, frantically and rather dramatically. 

"What are you forgetting?"  You asked him, folding your arms, you knew that this would happen; you knew that he'd forget something. He approached you and wrapped his arms around you. "You." He stated, placing a kiss on your lips.

"Ew. They're kissing!" Billie pulled away and you both looked at your children (Y/D/n) and (Y/S/n) as they stood together and grimaced at the fact that you and Billie had just kissed. You and Billie laughed as you threw your arms around his neck. "You're not forgetting me." You told him. 

"I have to leave you behind though." He replied, sadly. 

"It's only for a week." 

"I know but I have needs." He whispered this in your ear so the children couldn't hear and it made you weak at the knees.  "I think that you can manage for a week."

"I really can't" He admitted, his eyes wide.

"If I could, I would but the kids finish school for summer in a few days and then we'll be there with you, all of us." You leaned in to his ear. "Then I'm all yours." You whispered.

He smiled at you as he moved a strand of hair from her face. "Mom said that she would have the kids in her room so that we could get some sleep." Billie said, winking. He went to say something else but was distracted as your children grabbed hold of his legs. "Don't go daddy." They said, making him smile. He bent down to their level. "I have to but I'll see you again next week and then we can do loads of stuff together." 

"And watch you sing." (Y/D/n) added as Billie nodded.

"That too." He said. "Now, I want you to promise me that you'll be good while I'm away. Okay, I don't want to find out that you've been misbehaving." 

"Okay daddy." They said in unison as he hugged them both. Despite not being the same age, they still loved to do things together, including speak in unison. Of course, they did fight every now and again. "I love you." He told them before they told him that they loved him back

They both stood aside whilst Billie came back up to you. "And you, I love you so much baby." He told you as he kissed you. "I love you too." 

This was the hardest part about being married to a musician, saying goodbye before they embarked on a world wide tour. You'd see him in a week but that seemed years away. 

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