57. Billie Joe Armstrong

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There was a knock at your front door. It was your new guitar teacher that your mum had organised to come round to your house and the one you had before was rude and arrogant and your mum didn't trust him int eh house as she was afraid he was going to steal something. However you had begged your mum not to organize another teacher. 

"Mum. I'm Seventeen now, I can teach myself. Have you seen how many YouTube videos are out there!" She just shrugged her shoulders and told you that you had to do as you were told as long as you were living under her roof, but she wasn't going to let you move out until you were at least Nineteen or Twenty.

Your mum ran to answer the door excitedly as you sat on the stairs. You heard them both walk into the kitchen, near where you were sat on you phone. You saw his shoes first as then after a few seconds, you sat there, mouth wide open. He was younger than you had expected, a lot younger. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

"Yeah - you're just not what I was expecting." You said, not thinking about what you were supposed to say. 

"Tell me about it!Isn't he hot (Y/n)?" Said your mum, who stood admiring him. "Are you single?" 

"Mum!" You said looking almost as embarrassed as  he did. 

"So (Y/n), I'm Billie. Shall we start the lesson?" He asked you as you replied with a yes and followed him up the stairs, your mum having to fan herself in the kitchen due to his hotness. Okay, yes, he was pretty hot.

The two of you arrived at your bedroom and you closed the door. "I'm sorry about her. She's been like that since my dad left." 

"Oh. I'm sorry." He said. 

"It's okay, it was hard but it's a lot happier without him." You smiled sitting next to him. 

"Can I ask you something?" He asked 


"What did you mean when you said, I wasn't what you were expecting?"

You smiled. "I was expecting some old creepy guy like my last teacher." 

He laughed. "If you think twenty is old, would you have a problem with me being your teacher then?" 

"No. I'm Seventeen so Twenty isn't old." You smiled. You knew that he could feel it too, the instant connection that you had made but you were both trying to ignore it as hard as it was. You grabbed your guitar and your lesson officially began. You played for what felt like hours before it was time for him to leave. 

"Same time next week?" He asked, packing away guitar but noticing you looked upset. "What's the matter?"

"I don't want you to leave..." You trialed off. There was a pause, an awkward moment of silence but it was true, you didn't want him to go. "Hey." He smiled, writing on a piece of paper and ripping it in half. "Here's my number. Could you write yours down and I'll call you. We can hang out." You smiled and wrote your number down. Before following him downstairs. "I'll see you next week." He winked as you bayed him goodbye before running upstairs to put his number in your phone, biting your lip. 

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