86. Mike Dirnt

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Mike tossed and turned in his bunk on the tour bus, surrounded by his band mates, Billie and Tré. They were all sleeping soundly and the only times they woke was to use the bathroom, but this prevented Mike from sleeping even more as the door to the toilet creaked every time someone opened it. Mike sighed as he looked up above him in the dark. He couldn't sleep properly knowing that (Y/n), his girlfriend, was miles away back at home and not lying next to him in bed. He knew that he would have been able to sleep if she were here, wrapped in his arms. "Fuck's sake." He heard in the bed next to him. He drew back that curtain to see Tré in the bunk opposite him. "Will you stop sighing?" He asked. "I can't sleep." He added as Mike looked over at him, his eyes bloodshot from the lack of sleep. This hadn't been the first night of the tour that this had happened, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. "Neither can I." Mike told him.

"Really?" Tré replied, sarcastically. "I never would have guessed." He looked over at Mike and couldn't help but feel a little guilty because whilst he'd be getting a good night's sleep, Mike had been up, restless. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, whispering as he didn't want to wake up Billie, who were sleeping in the bunk below them.

"I miss her." Mike stated after a moment and Tré nodded, understanding that he was talking about (Y/n). "Ring her then." Tré said. "Maybe you'll feel better if you hear her voice." Mike nodded and climbed of bed. He searched for his phone on the side. He knew that he'd found it when he turned it on and saw a picture of him and (Y/n) on his screen. He smiled when he saw her. "You're a genius, Tré." Mike stated as he stood by the door and turned back to look at Tré.

"I know." Tré replied, a smug smile on his face as he closed the curtain once again. Mike let out a small laugh before opening the door and closing it again. "What's going on?" Billie asked from his bunk, the curtain still closed. "He's in love." Tré said.

"Thought so." Billie replied before the tour bus fell silent once again.

Outside the tour bus, the air was cool as Mike opened his phone and pressed (Y/n)'s number, it began ringing for a few moments before she answered. "Hey. Are you okay?" She asked him as he felt his heart beating fast inside his chest. "I'm sorry that I woke you but I needed to hear your voice." Mike told her with a huge smile on his face. "I miss you so much."

"You didn't wake me up, I couldn't sleep. I miss you too baby." (Y/n) replied. "How's the tour going?"

"It's great but I wish you were here with me." He admitted.

"At least you're not here." (Y/n) laughed. Mike and (Y/n) spent most of the night talking and as their conversation ended, Mike said; "I love you so much baby."

"I love you too." (Y/n) replied. "Just think, we'll see each other soon enough." Mike and (Y/n) ended their call before Mike went to his bunk and fell soundly asleep, the thought that he'd see (Y/n) soon in his mind and it was the best that he had slept in weeks. 

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