89. Tré Cool

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(Y/n)sat down in the back of her class and took out everything that she'd need for the lesson. She was the quiet type and found herself to be very anxious, especially when it came to school and lessons but she tried her best to get to every lesson and always knew that she could leave if she didn't feel able to do it. "Okay, settle down class!" Her teacher said as he stood at the front of the classroom. He looked around the room. "Today we are going to be doing some work on-" The classroom door opened. It was Tré. He was considered to be one of the more popular boys. "You're late Frank." The teacher stated very formally.

"It's Tré." He replied. "I prefer Tré."

"I don't care, Frank." The teacher smiled smugly. "Now, sit down so that I can start the lesson?" Tré went to go and sit down next to one of the other popular boys in the class but as soon as he pulled out a chair in order to sit down, the teacher stopped him. "I don't think so." Tré looked up at him, shocked.

"What do you mean? What have I done now?" He asked defensively.

"You're not sitting next to him."

"Why not?" By now, the whole class was silent and watching the scene unfold in front of them. (Y/n) couldn't help but feel sorry for her teacher, having to deal with the confrontation but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel sorry for Tré; all he had tried to do was sit down. "Because I know what you two are like." Their teacher said. "You'll spend most of the lesson talking and I won't stand for it. Tré, your new seat will be next too..." His eyes scanned the room. 'Not me, please.' (Y/n) said to herself. 'Not me, please.'

"(Y/n)." The teacher said, pointing over to the seat next to (Y/n) in the corner of the classroom. (Y/n) looked at Tré and when he looked back at her, she broke eye contact and looked at the desk. "Fine." As (Y/n) wasn't looking at his face, she was unable to tell whether he was angry or annoyed to be sitting next to someone like her. The whole class remained silent as Tré shuffled his way over to the seat next to (Y/n), all the time, she remained focused on the desk in front of her. He pulled out the chair next to her and slumped in it, as the teacher gave out the rest of the instructions. "Off you go." He said before taking his seat at the front to grade some papers.

(Y/n) glanced at Tré who was staring at her, she noticed a smile on his face. "Are you new?" He asked as (Y/n) messed with her pen, anxiously.

"N-N-No." She stuttered. "No, I'm not."

"We've never met." He stated and (Y/n) nodded her head. "Not properly." He added.

"You probably wouldn't have noticed me anyway." (Y/n) said. "No-one does." She whispered so that he couldn't hear her.

"Why's that?" He asked, curiosity filling his voice.

"I'm just the quiet type, that's all." (Y/n) told him as his eyes were fixed on her. "Besides, you're one of the popular ones." (Y/n) muttered.

"I'm really not." He replied and (Y/n) became immediately flustered when she realised that he had heard what she said. He gave a small laugh before he looked at the sheet on the table in front of them both, and asking (Y/n) to explain the instructions once more as he wasn't listening the first time around; however, he partly blamed this on the fact that he was trying to make his way across the classroom as the teacher was speaking.

By the end of the class, Tré  and (Y/n) had actually got a surprising amount of work done. The teacher dismissed everyone but stopped (Y/n) and Tré before they left; "Will you two stay behind?" He asked as everyone piled out of the classroom. When it was quiet, he stood in front of the two of them. "I'm very surprised at how you have conducted yourself for the rest of the lesson." He smiled, looking at Tré.

"Thank you sir." Tré replied. (Y/n) had gathered that Tré had only really behaved the way that he did in other lessons because most teachers didn't believe that he was capable of doing well at all; (Y/n) thought quite the contrary. All he needed was someone to believe in him. "Sir, if it's alright, I'd like to sit next to (Y/n) for every lesson."

(Y/n) looked at him and smiled, blushing slightly. "I think that, that would be a very good idea." The teacher said, before dismissing the two of them. When they got out of the classroom, Tré turned to (Y/n). "I look forward to next time." He smiled, before the two of them headed their separate ways to their next classes.

When (Y/n) arrived in her other class, she took her seat at the back. This is the seat that she preferred to sit in, in every classroom that she could. The rest of the classroom filled up pretty quickly but the seat next to you remained empty. "Hello Class." The teacher smiled at everyone before handing sheets to the first person in every row and asked them to pass them back, just as the door to the classroom opened. "You're late." (Y/n) didn't look up to see who it was as she was reading the sheet that she had just been given. "There's a seat at the back next to (Y/n)." The class fell silent as the sound of footsteps approached her before someone sat next to her. "The universe just keeps throwing us together." (Y/N) looked up to see Tré smiling at her.

"It appears so." 

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