105. Tré Cool

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**(D/n) - Daughter's name**


"So, do you know what instrument you want to get?" Tré asked his daughter (D/n) as they got in the car together, and headed towards the shop. Tré's daughter had spent a lot of time in the studio with Tré, Billie, and Mike recently, and became really involved with playing music. Billie specifically had been teaching her to play the guitar. Tré knew that Guitar was probably the option that she wasn't going to go for, but he couldn't deny that he had secretly hoped she would go for drums instead; they were his favourite, and always had been. Even as a kid younger than her, he'd picked the drums up like a natural. 

"Probably guitar." (D/n) admitted, as she looked over at her dad's disappointed face. "Sorry." She laughed as she comfortingly placed her hand on his arm.  "It's fine." Tré joked, as he pretended to cry, wiping away a fake tear. This made (D/n) laugh. 

Of course, she had been allowed to borrow Tré's instruments but he had decided that since she was getting so good at playing, he was going to treat her, and buy her one for herself. He smiled at he remembered how her face lit up when he asked her whether she wanted one of her own. Her eyes lit up, and her smile widened to either side of her face and she hugged him. "Seriously? Dad, you're the best!" She told him.

When they arrived at the shop, (D/n) ran inside. She was in awe at the collection of guitars, and other instruments, in the shop. "Have you thought about which one you like best?" Tré asked as he watched (D/n) looked around the shop, trying each one that she held. She 'ummed' and 'ahhed' about which one she liked best before finally picking out one that she liked. "Can I get his one dad?" She asked, hopefully as the clutched onto it within an inch of her life. 

"Of course." Tré said, his smile almost as wide as his daughter's. He paid the money to the guy that owned the store before (D/n) was handed the case that contained her guitar. (D/n) told Tré, once again, that he was the best. 

They got back into the car and headed home. When they arrived (D/n) ran into the house, greeted Billie and Adrienne who were there with (Y/n), her mother, before running to play her guitar. Tré looked at Billie and simply said: "You've started something here." 

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