145. Billie Joe Armstrong {Requested}

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*A/n - This imagine was requested by Caoticamente_io

Thanks for the request and I am so so sorry that it's taken me so long...


Gender-Neutral Pronouns


They jumped out of bed at the first sign of the thunderstorm and locked themselves in the bathroom. Ever since they were a small child, thunder and lightning has been a huge fear and even as an adult, it remained as terrifying. On the floor with their back against the bathtub, their legs were close to their chest. "Breathe. Breathe. It'll all be over soon..."

There was a knock at the bathroom door, making them jump. "(Y/n)?" It was their boyfriend, Billie on the other side of the door. He was probably startled by the sound of the bathroom door slamming.  "Are you okay?" It was hard to speak in the midst of a panic attack, so all that Billie could hear was an unintelligible sound in response. "Can I come in?" A few deep breathes were taken before Bille heard them mutter "Yes." There was a brief pause before the door opened and Billie ran in. He was holding a blanket and a pillow. "I thought you'd to be comfortable." He smiled, sitting down next to (Y/n). "We both know that this bathroom floor isn't the comfiest." Once Billie had wrapped the blanket around them, (Y/n) put their head on his shoulder. 

"I'm sorry for waking you." They whispered before they felt him plant a kiss on their head. 

"It's okay," Billie replied. "As long as you're okay."

"I will be once this storm stops."

"Then I will sit with you as long as it takes." 

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