115. St Jimmy {Requested}

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*A/n* - This imagine was requested by JustHereForGreenDay

Hope you like it! 


**Containing Smut**

"You're a hot mess, (Y/n)," Jimmy said as he finished his last sip of alcohol. "A real fucking hot mess."

"Geez, no need to point out the obvious." (Y/n) replied as she flicked her joint to the ground and stood on it. Jimmy smiled. "So you agree that you're hot?" He asked as she turned to face him. "No, I agree I'm a mess." She admitted. "What now?" She asked as she moved up closer next to him. It was relatively dark, but his face was lit up by the fire that had been started in a nearby trash can. Jimmy didn't say anything, but just looked at (Y/n); in the dark, his eyes seemed to light up, but (Y/n) couldn't tell if it was real, or if her mind was playing tricks on her due to an obscene amount of weed and alcohol. Jimmy leaned in and pulled her head closer towards his. He kissed her passionately; it was long and somewhat messy but it was real and it was pure.

The next few moments were a blur, but the two of them went from being together in a crowd full of outcasts, to the back of Jimmy's car. (Y/n) was on his lap as he fingers ran through her hair. They never broke their connection as (Y/n) removed his t-shirt and he did the same to her. Like her, he was covered in tattoos; she stopped and looked down at them, tracing her fingers over every line, every inch of them. Jimmy couldn't help but smile at the touch of her fingers on his skin. (Y/n) looked deep into his eyes as he returned her gesture by tracing the tattoos that were inked upon her own skin. He allowed his fingers to dance along her breasts; he stimulated them.

(Y/n) gasped as his fingers made their way down her body. He kissed her again as his hands made their way up her legs. (Y/n) bit down on her lip as she looked at Jimmy dead in the eye, her hand subconsciously went down to his jeans and she unbuckled his belt. She felt around for his member and taking it in her hand. "Fuck." He muttered under his breath as he realized that satisfaction was going to take over his entire body. With his hands, he lifted her up. "Is this okay?" He asked, making (Y/n) smile. Jimmy looked like the rough type, so the fact that he was being gentle at this moment made her weak at the knees. "Oh, god, yes." She admitted as he took control of his member and placed it at her entrance. It took a moment for her to adjust to him, so she grabbed onto his shoulders for support and he held onto her waist. After a few moments, (Y/n) smiled and kissed Jimmy again. Then, Jimmy and (Y/n) began moving simultaneously with each other; up and down, back and forth, creating any pleasure and friction that they could. With one hand, (Y/n) remained gripped to Jimmy's shoulder, but with the other she kept grasping for the car seat behind Jimmy, or for the roof, placing her hand gently on it as Jimmy played rough like she'd expected and pulled her hair.

Beneath them, the car shook as they moaned in unison with each other, unable to control themselves. "Jimmy..." (Y/n) muttered as she tugged gently at a strand of his hair. For the last few moments, their moans only got louder until they stopped and created a heap in the back of the car. (Y/n) moved off of the top of Jimmy of sat beside him. He turned to look at her and smiled. "Really fucking hot." Jimmy whispered, breathless.

"There's more where that came from." (Y/n) teased as she pulled Jimmy into a kiss and lay down over the seats as he climbed on top of her.

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